Page 63 of Broken Pieces
Mac shakes his head. “I don’t like the two of you together. You two are going to be trouble.”
“Good thing we both like trouble,” Brooks says as he raises his shot glass. “Now let’s cheers to the birthday girl.”
We all down the shot and grab drinks before jumping in the pool.
It’s only a few minutes before a car pulls in the driveway and I can hear Tacoma laughing. I wish I was as carefree as her. I wish I wasn’t bogged down with all the shit that goes through my head on a daily basis.
I feel Brooks beside me. He gives me one last kiss before separating himself from me and swimming to the opposite side of the pool just as Tacoma walks through the back door.
“Let’s get this party started!” she shouts. It only takes her a second to see the pitcher of margs sitting on the table. “Thank you, baby sister, for making a pitcher!”
She seems more toasted than when we left the bar. She pours glasses for her and Laney and then they both head in the house, presumably to change into swimsuits.
Summer comes outside with Brett in tow. He grabs himself a beer while she sits down next to the pool.
“Is my sister okay? She seems a bit drunker than usual.”
Summer shrugs. “She took a shot before we left, I think the drinks just hit her as we were driving. But who knows? She has always been the wild one out of that group of girls.”
I nod. I know she was always wilder than most, but she was still extremely responsible. I think back to how she sounded depressed on the phone last week and decide I should talk to her. Something must be going on.
Tacoma and Laney come strolling out of the house in tiny bikinis. I watch Mac as his eyes go wide. So much for him breaking things off with her tonight. I can already see the lust building in his blue eyes.
Tacoma sits next to Summer on the edge of the pool. “Baby sister, you sure are living the life out here. I am totally jealous.”
Laney sits next to her and says, “Well you could move back here, I miss my best friend.”
“You never know. I am getting tired of New York. Maybe I’ll move here, maybe New Orleans. Can you imagine how much fun that would be?”
Laney nods. “So fun. But you can only move there if I move with you.”
“Totally,” Tacoma says as she looks off into the distance, that look hitting her face again. “I think it’s time for more shots!”
A few of Mac and Brooks’ friends show up and the night gets more and more drunker.
I turn around in the pool looking for Brooks but instead I find Mac and Laney making out aggressively in the corner. I jump out of the pool worried more than just kissing is going on and see Summer roll her eyes at her sister before heading off to bed.
I look for mine and see her chatting it up with one of Brooks’ friends. I head inside to use the bathroom. As I am walking out of it, arms wrap around my center and haul me back in the bathroom. I am pushed against the door just as the lock is turned.
Brooks’ lips are on mine and I groan into them as I feel his hard cock press against my stomach. He moves his lips to my neck and across my clavicle as they roam back up to my ear he whispers, “Can we sneak out of this place yet? I need your hands on me and I can’t wait any longer.”
I giggle as his breath tickles my ear. “Soon. I think my sister will be distracted very soon.”
His hand moves to my inner thigh, his fingers grazing my center over my bikini bottom. “Oh yeah, by who?”
“I don’t know,” I gasp as his knuckle grinds into my clit. “One of your friends, was his name Rhett?”
“Good, then he listened to me when I told him to seduce her.”
I try to push him away, “You did not.”
He grabs my wrists and pushes them against the door above my hand with one hand, his finger of the other hand slipping into my bottoms. “I did what I had to do to get you alone.”
I moan as he swipes through my wetness. He uses his teeth to pull down my bikini top and sucks a nipple into his mouth. My slight drunkenness making everything feel more intense. “Brooks, oh god.”
“I know what you like Blue,” he says against my breast just as he plunges two fingers into me. I buck against his hand as I groan, saying his name over and over.
He takes it as a sign to keep going as he pulls my bottoms down and drops to his knees, sucking my clit hard into his mouth.