Page 69 of Wolf Alliance
Logan joined him at the fire and inclined his head, not saying a word. Like Erik, he was listening for anything that would clue them in that trouble was on their way. Erik would be glad when they arrived at Accalia’s castle.
As much as he wanted her to enjoy a celebration of their marriage with her kin, he wanted more to be with her at Whitehaven. He hoped for their sake that everything would go smoothly as far as making the alliance and welcoming her pack as an extension of his own.
If they could leave in a few hours, they would get there by the midday meal. That’s what he was hoping for. Isobel looked like she needed to rest, and the boys did. He wasn’t sure how long they would stay, but hopefully long enough for everyone to feel rested up before they journeyed home, and not too long that they would irritate her da and his people.
“Are you worried you might no’ be welcome for spiriting the lass away like you did?” Logan said.
Erik smiled at his brother. He had risked a war with her da when he did it, but he knew he had to do it. Well, mayhap he should have discussed the matter with her da first. But he hadn’t wanted him to say no to the plan. Erik could be a wee bit impulsive when he came up with an objective at times, he had to admit.
“I would be,” Logan said, tossing a few sticks onto the fire.
“The outcome is all he’ll care about. He gets an alliance, his daughter has a mate, and if he cares, which I hope he does, he’ll be glad we are happy with each other.”
“Aye, I’m sure he will be. If we were just human, it wouldna be an issue. Young girls and boys would be promised to each other and usually wouldna even meet until it was time for them to marry on their wedding day. But as wolves, we mate for life, and it’s important that we are there for each other forever.”
“Aye, true.”
They stopped talking and once they were relieved of guard duty, Logan and Erik stripped off their clothes and shifted into their wolves. Logan went to the other side of the tent and stretched out. Erik stayed near the opening.
It was quiet during the night, though Erik had trouble falling asleep. He was anxious to get to Hillshire Castle and get this over with. Unable to sleep, he barked to let everyone know it was time to get up. It might be a wee bit early. He heard groans coming from inside the tent—from the lasses. The boys were still sound asleep. Getting them up would be a chore, he figured.
Then he shifted and dressed. Isobel came out of the tent, looking tired. “Do we have to get up so early?”
“Aye, to get on our way so we can rest at the castle.”
Isobel groaned.
“Up, up, all three of you,” Accalia said.
“Listen to your mother,” Erik said, poking his head inside the tent.
They hurried to clamber out from under their furs and dressed.
Accalia smiled at him and joined him outside the tent to give him a good morning kiss. “I’m glad you said something. I dinna think any coaxing or threatening would have gotten them up like a word from you.”
He laughed. “You have been able to motivate them much more than I have since you joined us.”
Then she kissed him and whispered, “Mayhap they’re not ready to call me mother yet.”
“Aye, but we shall never know if we dinna try it out.”
Then Bessetta ushered the boys out of the tent and followed them out.
“Let’s eat,” Erik said. He hurried the boys to the closest campfire.
Everyone ate smoked boar, then they packed the camp, and headed out.
Even though everyone was tired, they were sitting higher on their horses, ready to finish the journey.
“Are you all right, Isobel?” Accalia asked.
“I feel better this morn. And knowing we’re going to be arriving at your da’s keep by the nooning meal makes me even more cheerful.”
“Oh, aye, me too.”
“Count me in for that,” Bessetta said.
They all glanced at the boys, but they didn’t look happy at all. Accalia smiled at them. “You dinna have to ride a horse for days once we arrive at my da’s castle.”