Page 93 of Wolf Alliance
Still, when they were getting close to the castle, the boys drifted off to sleep on their saddles. Finlay, Logan, and Erik each took a boy onto their horses for that last little bit of the journey.
Then they reached the castle. Everyone came out to greet them, including the wolfhounds that licked everyone, especially the boys. Even Beathag was there, but she was unsmiling. If she’d had any hope of mating Erik, it was gone.
Everyone welcomed Niamh, and quite a few of Erik’s bachelor wolves eyed her with intrigue. Though some of his men that accompanied them had been also, talking low, smiling at her, hoping to catch her eye. Erik wouldn’t be surprised if she found her mate among them.
Those who had traveled with Erik were telling those who had remained behind about the battles they’d been involved in. The wounded were carried into the barracks and their healer cared for the injured men.
Cook hurried to have the meal prepared for the returning pack members. Then everyone, including the wounded, came to sit in the great hall to eat.
Everyone was still talking about their wild and dangerous adventures.
Accalia leaned over to speak with Erik and said, “So where areyourescape tunnels?”
Erik smiled at her. “I need to show you where they are if we ever need to get you and the boys out of the castle. Their nannies know where they are, but I need to take you and the boys through them to ensure you know how to get to them and out. And how to get inside—since you were instrumental in taking us secretly into your da’s castle, giving us a fighting chance to take down Freigard’s men.”
She smiled, kissed him, and then stole his bread.
He chuckled. “I love you.”
“I so love you. And when we retire for the night—no rain, no fighting?—”
“No lads in our bed…”
She smiled. “Aye, we’ll prove to each other how much we love each other.”
“Certes, always.”
“Iwant to see Isobel now,” Accalia said to Erik. Several months had passed since they had seen them. She wanted to see Isobel when her babies were born, to be there for her. And she wanted to visit Bessetta again also.
Niamh was just as eager to go and planned to help her watch the lads on their travels. She had great fun with them, and admirers galore. Beathag wasn’t happy to see another woman catch the bachelor wolves’ eyes.
“You want to tell her you’re with child now too,” Erik said.
She smiled up at him. “Aye. They will be close in age when ours are born. Besides, I want to know what she has.”
“But she might no’ have them right away. Or she might have had them already,” he warned her.
“Aye. So if that’s the case, we willna have to wait.” She smiled, then frowned. “You dinna have to come with me.”
“Oh, I do. I wouldna think of you leaving without me.”
“What about our sons?” She wanted to take them with them but knew how tired they would get on that long journey.
“We will leave it up to them. They can go with us or stay here with Logan or Finlay.”
“That sounds good.” Better than either she or Erik deciding this.
Erik ran his hand over Accalia’s growing belly. “This is another reason you want to go now.”
“Aye.” She was afraid when she was too far along, she wouldn’t be able to travel all that well.
“We can take you in a wagon.”
She gave him a get-real look. Prisoners, wounded, or the infirm rode in a wagon.
He smiled. “All right. We leave on the morrow.”