Page 61 of Waking Olivia
I wish I knew. And I’m equally scared that someday soon, I’m going to find out.
Ireturnto my own place on Wednesday.
Both Dorothy and Will encouraged me to stay, insisted really, but I said no. It can’t be good for Will – he needs to be working on the farm instead of entertaining me, and he’s risking his job at the school every time he does it. I guess it’s also causing problems with Jessica, though I don’t care as much about that.
Will drives me back before that morning’s track practice, swinging my suitcase out of his trunk before he drives off.
I open the door and come to a dead stop before I’m even over the threshhold. It’s not the same apartment I left on Monday morning.
I call Will immediately. “I’ve been vandalized,” I tell him. “Someone broke into my apartment and furnished it.”
“That’s an outrage,” he replies. “I hope you called the police.”
I laugh, and then grow quiet. There’s nothing in the world harder for me than what comes next.
“Thank you,” I say awkwardly. “I don’t know what to say.”
“It wasn’t a big deal,” he replies.
“But all this stuff … Where’d you get it?”
“Almost everyone I know has something extra they don’t need. You were also offered a pie safe, whatever the hell that is, and a grandfather clock, in case you’re interested.”
It’s the first time since I moved out of the dorm my freshman year that I’ve had furniture. Now I have a couch, a table, a bed, and a nightstand. There’s even a TV. I wish he hadn’t done it. Not because I don’t want the stuff—I love it—but because of the feeling it leaves me with. The same way I feel after I spend time with Will.
Like I now have something to lose.
The following weekendWill picks me up to go to Dorothy’s, and for once, it’s not an act of charity. At least I don’t think it is. Dorothy’s asked me to stay over and help with the horses because Will has to assist with school events for Parent’s Visiting Day. I’m not sure if it’s true, but I’m eager to be far away from campus this weekend, so I agree.
Brendan’s car is parked outside. “I didn’t know your brother was coming.”
“Neither did I,” he says, that muscle in jaw popping.
Dorothy and Brendan walk out together. “Olivia!” shouts Brendan as if we’re old friends, grabbing my suitcase and swinging an arm around my shoulder. “I’ll take this in for you. Who’s sleeping where?”
“Oh, Will’s not staying—”
“She’s in my room and I’m on the couch,” Will cuts in firmly.
I raise a brow. There is no meet this weekend for him to be concerned about. Does that mean he’s staying to protect his mom fromme?
"Worried I can't keep my fists of fury to myself?" I ask dourly.
"Why would I be worried?" he smirks. "I've only witnessed you attempting to fight two people, excluding the time you took a swing at me."
“Come on,” Dorothy says, tugging Brendan in. “Let’s give them a minute.”
"I wouldneverhurt your mother," I hiss after they’ve gone inside.
He looks surprised by my vehemence, and his face softens. "I know that, Olivia."
"Then why are you staying?"
"You seem to be forgetting that this is my mother's house. I don't need an excuse to be here."