Page 100 of Drowning Erin
“Yes, I can. Why did I dance around the whole thing? I should have made him stop drinking. I should have forced him to go to rehab. Instead I did everything I could to smooth theway.”
“Youdidtry to get him to rehab, remember?” he asks. “He’s a grown man. There’s nothing you could have done, especially without your mother’s support. Don't start finding ways to blame yourself, Erin. This was your father's problem, and you about killed yourself trying to be a good daughter tohim."
“He thinks Sean’s coming. He asked if Rob and I could get married here, and I lied and said maybe. What am I going to say when he wakes up?” I start cryingagain.
Right now I’m hardly better than my mom, with her constant flow of tears. In a single swift move, Brendan picks me and deposits me in hislap.
“Tell me what to do,” he says. “I hate seeing you like this. Anything. Nameanything.”
If I were my mother, I’d keep crying and ask him to fix this. To make it go away. To find my brother, to make my father not care about seeing me married, to make it allbetter.
You could stay, Brendan. You could be the person I lean on, and you could never leave. That’s what you coulddo.
Perhaps I’m more like my mother than I thought. No matter how many times I’m rebuffed, I can’t stop hoping for things another person can’tgive.
Erin is in my lap,as fragile as achild.
I tell her I’ll do anything, and I mean it, but she doesn’treply.
"I'm sorry," she whispers. "I destroyed yourshirt."
"You can destroy all of my shirts, Erin. Every lastone."
She removes herself from me and returns to her chair. I wish she hadn’t. I miss her weight and her smell and the feel of her, the way her cheek rests just about my collarbone, the way her lashes brush my neck when she opens her eyes. I miss everything. I’ve been missing all of it for a very longtime.
* * *
Rob arrives mid-afternoon,in a fresh suit. Did the douchebag actually drive home and change to come here? He looks distinctly displeased when he sees me sitting beside Erin. I think he already suspects something happened between us—even that girl I brought to the vineyard, whatever her name was, accused me of it on the way home that night. And if she could figure it out, anyonecould.
I stabbed him in the back, but I can’t bring myself to regret it. Those weeks with Erin were the best of my life, and Rob and I were never going to be friends again anyway. Not after I realized how he’d bullied her into giving up the things she loved. I left for Italy because I couldn’t stand seeing them together, but I left believing she’d be better off with him, and I waswrong.
Erin stands and walks over to him. It seems to me that she rises reluctantly, but perhaps that’s wishful thinking. He hugs her, a hug that lasts way too fuckinglong.
Rob turns to me. "I'll walk you out," hesays.
It’s impossible to miss his meaning.Time for you to leave,asshole.
I want to stay, but I no longer have a place here. I wish I did. I wish it was my job to be the one comfortingher.
Once we're halfway down the hall, he stops walking. His hands are in his pockets, and he’s staring at thefloor.
“It was you, wasn’t it?” he asks. “You’re the one she was with while I wasgone.”
He isn’t actually asking. For Erin’s sake, I’d have denied it, but it’s clear he alreadyknows.
I meet his eye. “Yeah. It was me. It was a shitty thing to do, but I don’t regret it. I walked away a long time ago because I thought she was better off with you, and shewasn’t.”
“Oh, but you think she’d be better off withyou?” he demands. “You can’t stay with any girl for more than an hour, and that’s about how long you can keep a job. All those years you spent trying to talk me out of shit—telling me I shouldn’t ask her out, telling me we shouldn’t move in together, and I shouldn’t propose—that was all just you wanting to take yourshot.”
“I didn’t want you with her because you don’t deserve her. You never deserved her, and I knew you couldn’t make her happy. You still can’t. And you proved me right when you started fucking around with Christina over there. I don’t care if Erin believes your little story about how innocent it was. I know there was more to it thanthat.”
He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, so what? Even if there was, I’m not going to take shit about it from you. Let’s see you date someone for even a week before you start criticizingme.”