Page 69 of Intersect
“Tell meanyway.”
I sigh, turning to face him while he opens the car door. “She said it’s not just the twins who are powerful, that my gift is meant to beshared.”
His jaw flexes. “You’re right. I don’t likeit.”
She predicted his reaction too. “And she also said overcoming my fear was only half the battle. Overcoming yours is the otherhalf.”
His mouth is set in a grim line. “Quinn—”
I open the door, shoulders sagging in resignation. “I know. I know what Ipromised.”
I think of Darcy. I’m still not sure it’s a promise I should havemade.
By the time we land at Dulles, Nick’s received an email from the hospital board, who examined our photos and deemed that the relationship was not a breach of ethics. Unfortunately, this means they expect him to report to work the nextday.
I lean my head against his shoulder as we ride home from the airport. “I was really looking forward to a few days with you, where no one has imminent death hanging over theirheads.”
He pulls me closer. “We can get away for a few days next month. Let me just get all my patients taken care of and put in forleave.”
“Doctors get to put in for leave,” I pout. “Students donot.”
I see a quick flash of his dimple. “I bet your professors would understand if you missed a day or two because you were on yourhoneymoon.”
I laugh. He’s relentless—this is at least the fifth time he’s brought up marriage—but I sort of love it. “What would everyone say? I just called off my last engagement a monthago.”
“I don’t give a fuck what they’d say,” Nick replies. “When we hit our 50thwedding anniversary, they’ll know they werewrong.”
“You really pick the most romantic places to discuss this,” I reply as the driver turns onto our street. “Hospital, cab ride. I’m assuming you’ll propose while I’m peeing or vomitingnext."
“Those weren’t proposals.” He grins. “Believe me, when I propose, it’ll bememor—”
His words are cut off by a low groan.Mylowgroan.
Jeff is sitting on our frontsteps.
“What the fuck?” Nicksnaps.
“My mom.” I smack my head. “She must have told him when we were gettingin.”
“I think it’s time you have a conversation with your mom about who she’s providing information to,” he says. “Stay in the car. I’ll deal withthis.”
“If I’m capable of stabbing my own mother,” I reply, climbing out after him and ignoring the driver’s gaping mouth, “I’m capable of dealing withJeff.”
Nick turns toward the walkway and sets the bags down in front of him. “Get off my property,” he says. His voice is flat, calm, but somehow far more threatening that way. “I’ve already kicked your ass once and I’d be more than happy to do itagain.”
“I want to talk to Quinn,” Jeff says, moving towardus.
I step forward and Nick gives me the side-eye. “You never listen,” hemutters.
I glance up at him, trying not to smile, before I turn back to Jeff. “Say what you have tosay.”
Jeff’s eyes shift to Nick. “I don’t wanthimhere.”
Nick growls in response. “If you think I’m leaving you alone with her, you’re out of yourmind.”