Page 7 of Intersect
I close my eyes. “Yes, I’m sure he’ssingle.”
“Maybe he’s visiting here from the Victorian age, where you only kiss a woman you’re engagedto?”
I laugh, the sound stilted and uncertain. It’s a little unnerving to hear time-travel jokes under the circumstances. “I am going to go out on a limb and say I don’t think that’sit.”
“Then what wasit?”
I’d assume it was just what I told him about my possible super-fertility, but it’s not like we were going to get pregnantkissing. And why apologize? I was embarrassingly wet, which he seemed to like well enough for a second but, God, who even knows? I’ve only ever been with Jeff. I know nothing about what men like. “You know how inexperienced I am. Maybe I’m just…bad atit?”
“If this is your way to get me intoCruel Intentions-style girl-on-girl action, you need to say sooutright.”
I laugh, and this time it’s a real one. “Fuck off. You know what Imean.”
She throws a pillow at me. “I know what you mean and you’re being an idiot. You kissed plenty of guys while we were in school and there were never any complaints. Maybe he’s just old-fashioned.”
He didn’t used to be,I think to myself.I have a very distinct memory of waking up beside him after our first date. And maybe that’s the issue—those other times he didn’t know where sex with me would lead, and there was nothing at stake. This time, he’s risking his career to enter a relationship that may never get past third base. If he changes his mind, I’m not sure I could even fault him forit.
Ifeel like there’s a target on myback.
I can tell by the lingering looks as I pass the nurses’ station, the conversations that stop when I walk up, that Meg has been talking, and I’m guessing she didn’t leave out the fact that I’m now dating a patient. This is definitely going to get back to the administration and when it does, things will getcomplicated.
The conversation with Quinn last night is never far from my head either. Her words replay again and again, like clues that are out of order or missing some keypiece.
There’s some purpose to allthis.
It’s like we can’t avoid getting pregnant no matter what wedo.
You’re willing to believe in time travel but not that some kind of super fertility accompaniesit?
Regardless of how many times I think about it, though, it doesn’t come together. She’s been with Jeff for years and managed not to get pregnant. What is it aboutus?
Jace is waiting when I return to my office. “Lunch?” he asks, in a way that sounds more like a demand. I guess he’s heard about Quinn too. He’s one of my oldest friends and it’s going to all come out sooner or later, but there’s no way he’s going to be okay with me dating a patient. Especially a dyingone.
We go up the road from the hospital to a sandwich shop we used to frequent when we were in med school. The place is as packed as it ever was. “I’m starting to remember why we stopped coming here,” I tell him after a woman with a stroller runs over myfoot.
He frowns. “I figured this is a conversation that should be held outside the hospital.” I hear condemnation in those words. Jace is not a guy who’s grave all that often, but he sure as shit is rightnow.
He waits until we’re sliding into a booth before he shakes his head and looks directly at me. “Okay let’s hearit.”
I lean my head back against the seat with a sigh. “Sounds like you alreadyhave.”
“What I’ve heard is that you were cheating on Meg with a dying patient,” Jace says. “I’m hoping your version makes you look a littlebetter.”
Fuck. Meg is making sure everyone hears the absolute worst version of this story. I should have expected it, but it’s still a blow. “I broke up with Meg before anythinghappened.”
“Yeah,” he says, arching a brow, “it wasn’t the timing of it that bothered me. Are you really fucking a terminal patient?Seriously?”
My eyes close. The lie is necessary, even with Jace. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. We dated in college and lost touch until she came to thehospital.”
“Dude,” Jace groans. “It still looks bad. You should have transferred the case. She’s dying and you’re her doctor, which makes you a port in the storm. It’s fucking wrong to sleep with her even if she’swilling.”
I blow out a breath. He’s not saying anything I haven’t said to myself a thousand times. The guilt I thought I’d moved past comes tearing back. “I didn’t transfer her because I don’t trust anyone else to take care of her. And I know what you’re saying and all I can tell you is that this is different.” If I could utter the termsoul matewithout sounding like a complete pussy I would. Unfortunately, that’s notpossible.
“Let’s say you’re right. Let’s say you’re her everything and she’s yours and this was written in the fucking stars. The girl’s still going to die, Nick. You’re putting your professional reputation in serious jeopardy for a relationship that can’t goanywhere.”