Page 72 of Intersect
I finishmy rounds and call Quinn to suggest we meet at her mom’s house. Mostly it’s to appease my guilty conscience, but who knows? Maybe we’ll find something there. Sarah must have known someone else who time travels. As thoroughly as she seems to have planned for various outcomes, I have a hard time imagining she didn’t leave Quinn with somebackup.
The phone rings but goes to voicemail, and I have to force myself not to panic.She no longer has a tumor. I can’t freak out every time she doesn’t answer her phone. I go see my next few patients, but I’m only half here. The other part of me is wondering where the hell she is and why she hasn’t called meback.
An hour passes. I call again. She still doesn’tanswer.
Iland in my upstairs hallway, but it’s nighttime, and the bass is so loud downstairs that the floorboards vibrate beneath myfeet.
From where I stand I can hear people outside in the garden. A girl is shouting something about beer I can’t quite makeout.
I want to be wrong. Please God, let me be wrong. Let me open our bedroom door and find Nick there,asleep.
He’s not. Instead I find a mattress on the floor and two beanbag chairs where our beautiful king-size bed should rest. There are clothes everywhere, as if three suitcases exploded atonce.
The air conditioning tells me it’s summer. Aside from that I have no idea how far back I’ve gone, although I hear Rihanna’s voice coming through the speakers, a song that’s only a few years old, so it couldn’t befar.
I’ve got to get home. What if I can’t? My heart pounds in terror at the thought and I force it out of my head. Right now, I’m naked inside a stranger’s home. First thingsfirst.
I grab a pair of denim shorts and a flannel shirt off the floor and throw them on quickly. Rihanna stops singing and Bruno Mars takes her place, a song I think only came out last summer. If I’m right, it’s just2017.
Which means I could, potentially, saveDarcy.
I know what I promised Nick, but this was an accident, and the opportunity to save her has basically fallen into my lap. I can’tnottry. For most of my life I blindly did what my father told me. When he died, I let Jeff assume that role. I love Nick, and I trust his opinion more than I did either of theirs, but I’m done letting someone else make my most importantdecisions.
I creep down the stairs, though with the volume of the music, it’s not as if anyone could possibly hear me. Avoiding eye contact, I push through a wall of bodies toward the front door. I’m almost there when someone grabs myarm.
I’ve begun to mount a defense about the stolen clothes when my eyes go to the tatted-up college kid who’s grabbed me. I seriously doubt it’shisshorts I’m wearing…these things barely cover myass.
“Hey,” he says, as if we’re friends. “Where are yougoing?”
“Home,” I reply, pulling my arm from his grip. I take two large strides and get out the front door with him on myheels.
“Slow down,” he says. “I just want to chat.” I keep walking, fully intending to ignore him and possibly run if he keeps following, when it occurs to me I have no fucking idea where Darcy evenlives.
I whirl around so fast he’s forced to take a step backward. “Can I borrow your phone for a second?” I ask. “I left mine at home. I just need to look somethingup.”
He unlocks his phone and hands it to me. “It’s an iPhone 7?” Iask.
“Yeah,” he says, smirking. “Why? Would an iPhone 6 not be fancy enough toborrow?”
I laugh out of relief more than anything else. An iPhone 7 means it’s definitely 2017, because the house wasn’t occupied in 2018 until we moved in, and the iPhone 7 didn’t exist in the summer of 2016. “I’m not that picky. Justcurious.”
Christine Whitley, Washington DC, I tap out on the keyboard. Safari returns a gazillion listings for Christine Whitleys who live nowhere aroundhere.
Shit. With a heavy heart I start to return the phone, and then one more possibility occurs to me. Her candle company—I close my eyes to picture the business card she gave me.Heart in Hand Candles, it said. I type the name and an address comes up immediately.ThankGod.
They live in Cleveland Park, just a few miles from here. I could walk, but I want to get this done as fast as possible so I can get home to Nick. I hand Skinny College Boy his phone. It’s annoying that he stopped me and even more annoying that hefollowedme, but he does not lookdangerous.
“You go to Georgetown?” Iask.
He nods. “Business major.You?”
I make a split-second decision. “Do you have a car? Can you give me a ride? I need to get to the Giant in ClevelandPark.”