Page 94 of Wishing for Love
“I have an opinion of you based on your actions,” her mother said. “You never finish anything you start. You walk away from things and people easily. You can’t even figure out what you want half the time. There was a period when you wanted to date women. For all I know you switch back and forth.”
“I don’t,” she said. “You’re so critical of me. Did you ever stop to think that I did things for cause and effect?”
“Not surprising that you’d want that attention,” her mother said. “Could be why you’re pregnant now too. You didn’t answer me on who the father is.”
There was no getting past this. Her mother thought what she did about her.
“It’s Phoenix.”
Her mother started to laugh. “Really, Crystal? You slept with your boss? And now you’re pregnant? At least he’s got money so you should be set. But look at how well that worked for Taylor when she got pregnant with someone with money. He tried to take the kid from her.”
“Phoenix and I love each other,” she said firmly. “We’ve been dating for several months. I’ve met his entire family. I even flew with him to a wedding with Elsie in April to meet more of his extended family.”
“And you never once said a word to me about this? Why?” her mother asked.
“Maybe because the response I’m getting from you is the same as I always get. Nothing is ever good enough for you. You always have something negative to say and it never ends.”
“You’re being dramatic again. I’m giving you a dose of reality. You better get used to it. You’ve known this guy for a few months and now you’re knocked up. Just cover yourself better than Taylor did when things end. He’s got the money and make sure you get your share for at least eighteen years. That’s my best advice.”
“I don’t need your advice,” she said and hung up the phone.
When she turned around, Phoenix was standing there looking livid.
“That was interesting,” he said. He looked pissed.
“How much did you hear?”
“The part about me having money and to make sure you get your share. Has this been some kind of a joke all along?”
“No,” she said. “Never. You know I don’t have a good relationship with my mother.”
“I can see why,” he said. “But guess you should seek out a lawyer to cover yourself just in case.”
He turned and left before she could say another word and she couldn’t believe this was happening to her.
She didn’t even know he was coming home for lunch and if he had come just a minute earlier he would have heard more of what was going on instead of walking in at the worst possible second.
She ran out to the garage, but he was pulling away and she had no idea where he was going.
She went back to the kitchen and tried to call him, but he wasn’t answering.
Why did things like this always happen in her life?
She wanted to have a pity party but told herself that wouldn’t solve anything.
The best thing she could do was pull up her big girl panties and fix this. Too many times in her life she walked away when things got messy and she wasn’t going to do it now.
She called the only person that she thought could help because she wasn’t going to be stubborn like her boyfriend and let things get out of hand before she caved to get support.
“Crystal,” Carolina said when she answered. “I’m so glad you called me. I was going to reach out, but Phoenix said to give you time.”
Not what she wanted to hear considering what just happened.
“I need your help,” she said, sniffling.
“What happened? I’m here for you,” Carolina said.
“I messed up so badly with Phoenix.”