Page 27 of Saving Shepperd
Immediately, I wanted to turn and bolt. What the hell was I thinking just showing up here? I barely remembered the route I took to get to his place and couldn’t imagine how many traffic violations I committed in doing so.
“Hey? You okay?” he asked while bending at the waist to get a better look at my face in the dim light.
He stepped closer and wrapped his strong, protective arms around me and pulled me to his chest. I completely crumbled against his body and had no doubt he was supporting most of my weight as he moved us inside his front door.
I clung to him like he was a life raft after the flight of my existence just crashed into an icy sea. My whole body shook with my sobbing, and he patiently waited for me to get through the emotional onslaught and explain what had happened.
Finally, when I felt calm enough to speak, I looked up into his caring eyes. “I’m sorry,” were the first words that came out, whether out of habit for always hurting the people closest to me or because it was the emotion that fought its way to the front line.
“Baby, why are you apologizing? What has you this upset? Come on, let’s sit down.” He tugged me toward the living room. A grave and serious look washed over his face, and he swallowed roughly. “Did someone hurt you?”
Oh, my heart. His protective nature was so powerful and addicting. He had no idea how badly I needed someone to just care about my well-being right then. He couldn’t possibly have known, but because he was the amazing, kind-hearted man that he was, it was his natural go-to response given the sparse clues he had.
Before I could get words out again, I shook my head to alleviate his fear. Finally, I said, “No, I’m fine. I’m fine.” I inhaled a slow, full breath and blew it out between pressed lips.
He guided us to the sofa and sat right beside me. His muscular legs pressed against my much smaller ones, and he draped his arm across my shoulders, pulling me to him.
“Now, tell me what happened,” he issued but then shifted to put some space between us. I wanted to protest—maybe even climb into his lap so he could cradle me there, but I didn’t feel like I had the right to demand so much physical support from him.
“Do you want something to drink, baby? Water? Something stronger?”
“Maybe some water, if you wouldn’t mind?” My voice was raspy from all the tears.
“You got it. Be right back.” He planted a gentle kiss to the top of my head as he stood and headed to the kitchen. He returned with a bottle of water and unscrewed the top for me before handing it over.
After a few sips, I replaced the cap and set the bottle on the floor by my feet.
Law took my hands in his and angled his body toward me. “Now tell me what happened.” His tone was gentle but still demanding and had a way of making me feel safe because I knew his concern was genuine.
“Well, you know I haven’t been getting along with my parents,” I said, and he nodded. “While you were busy today, I called my sister, my twin, to see if she wanted to meet for a drink. To catch up, you know?”
He nodded again, and I studied our joined hands for a long moment before continuing.
“We met at a little bar near campus, and almost the minute I sat down, she started on me. Saying the same bullshit that my parents have been. She even admitted that my mother had called her yesterday. And…well…I kind of lost it and stormed out.” I shrugged my shoulders because explaining the situation out loud made the whole thing seem so petty. “And…yeah. Here I am.”
But then all the uncomfortable feelings as a result of just showing up on his doorstep slammed into me, and I rushed out words before I could examine what I was saying. “I’m sorry I just showed up uninvited. I didn’t know where else to go. I’m sorry. I’m not trying to make you feel bad for me or put you in an uncomfortable situation here. If you’ve thought about it since the other day and really don’t want me here, I’d understand. Seriously. I just drove here on autopilot. I kind of surprised myself that this was where I landed.” I forced out a chuckle that was so awkward, I winced.
Now he was the one studying our joined hands for an uncomfortably long beat. When I was about to shoot to my feet and rush for the front door, he must have sensed my mounting nerves.
“You’re more than welcome to stay here, Shep. The offer still stands. You can stay for a night, or a week, or however long you’d like. I want you here.”
Tears swelled in my eyes again and spilled down my cheeks like little rain drops. Hearing those words from his lips caused a riot of emotions I couldn’t process all at once. He wanted me there. He wanted me, period.
“Are you sure?” I croaked, sounding helpless and hopeless and hating every moment of both.
“Positive,” he said without pause and stretched his neck to look around me. “Did you bring anything with you?”
I shook my head and swiped my cheeks.
Law leaned forward and pulled out a handkerchief from his back pocket and handed it to me.
I marveled at the starched white cotton for a few seconds before using it to dry my eyes. The man carried a handkerchief? If I wasn’t smitten before that discovery, I was now. What a gentleman. What a beautiful, kind, intelligent, sexy gentleman.
“Thank you, Law.”
“My mom always insisted we carry them. I know it’s old fashioned, but you’d be surprised how often it comes in handy.”