Page 72 of Saving Shepperd
“Luckily, Elijah enjoys cooking and is actually quite good at it.” She smiled and offered me a bottle of water.
“Sounds like you found the perfect guy,” I said, and meant it in the best way.
She smiled warmly. “Yeah, he’s pretty amazing. Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, go ahead.”
“Have you considered talking to someone? A therapist, I mean? And before you get defensive”—she held up her hands, but I had no intention of interrupting—“it’s helped me so much over the years. I think you’d get a lot out of it.”
“I’ve thought about it a few times, but it’s overwhelming, you know? How do you pick the right person?”
“I could give you the name of the woman I go to. She’s amazing. Really smart and funny too. She specializes in childhood trauma and PTSD, so I think you’d be in the right place.”
“I’ll take her information.” Actually following through and making the appointment might be a different story, but one step at a time. “Can I use your restroom? Then I should probably get going.”
Hannah showed me to a guest bathroom just down the hall from the kitchen. While I was in there, I sent Law a text.
Hi. I’m at my sister’s in Malibu. Should be leaving soon.
It was a starting point at least. I owed him about twelve apologies but would rather do that in person. At least if he was worried about my well-being after the way I left the condo, he could rest easier.
Hey there. Thank you for letting me know. See you when you get home. XO
That damnXOgot me every time. I walked out of the bathroom smiling and looking at my phone until I nearly plowed over my sister.
“Ahh, one guess who that is,” she teased and motioned to the phone in my hand.
“I was just letting him know I was heading back. I was a bitch to him before I left, and I didn’t want him to be worried.”
“I’m sure he appreciated that.”
“If I didn’t fuck things up today, it’ll be a miracle. I was really shitty to him, and he didn’t deserve that.”
“Shep, listen. None of us is perfect. I’m sure he’s not either. If he loves you and cares about you, he’ll understand you have a lot of unsettled things you’re dealing with. Yesterday was really hard on all of us.”
I wasn’t convinced I should be let off the hook so easily. I needed to take responsibility for my behavior and start treating people better in the first place.
But instead of getting into another deep conversation with my sister, I said, “I hope you’re right. I’m going to take off. Hey, anytime you need a babysitter, feel free to call me. She’s absolutely perfect, and maybe if I play my cards right, I’ll be her favorite auntie.”
“Are you serious? We desperately need a night out, just like adults. I’d love to take you up on the offer,” my sister said hopefully.
“One hundred percent serious. Just hit me up. I may have to bring Law with me, though. He loves kiddos. Before that disaster yesterday, I was loving watching him with all the kids.”
“Kind of funny how our worlds ended up being intertwined, isn’t it?” she asked as we walked to the front door.
“Yeah, I guess it really is a small world.” For the first time in years, I hugged my sister. Neither one of us wanted to let go, but finally she pulled back and held my gaze for a moment.
“Thank you again for coming today, Shepperd. You have no idea how much it means to me.” She gave me another quick hug.
“No, I think I understand exactly. Love you, Hannah,” I said and waved over my shoulder as I headed for home.
Four months later…
Pacing back and forth in front of the window, I checked through the blinds to see if she was home. Every car I heard drive through the neighborhood sounded like hers. Yet every time I checked, she still wasn’t back.