Page 61 of Courting Clemson
My handsome date was waiting for me outside the comedy club. He wore dark denim jeans and a button-down shirt with two buttons open at the collar.
The night was a bit cooler than it had been most of the week, and despite the nicer weather, I was a bit overheated because of my heightened anxiety. It all evaporated when I watched him drink me in. His mouth nearly hung open as he raked my body from head to toe.
I think he approves!
After a warm hug and soft kiss on the cheek, he stood back and checked me out again. “You look incredible. I’m speechless, really.”
“Thank you,” I said softly and smiled. I reminded myself to own the effect I was having on the man instead of shy away from it.
“Shall we?” he asked and motioned toward the door.
The night was a complete ten. We had great conversation while sipping fancy cocktails before the show started. The opportunity arose for me to talk about my tuition needs and the urgency that predicament had taken on. He listened attentively and nodded while I explained the tuition-extension deadline I’d missed and that I needed cash immediately or I’d have to leave school.
As though it were nothing at all, he said, “I’ll have Lindsay take care of it tomorrow.”
I just stared at him. Could it really be that easy? I had lost so much sleep over this and had worried myself nearly physically sick at several points, and he barely batted an eyelash over depositing the money into my account.
“Darling, listen,” he said when I couldn’t find a single word to say in response to his generosity.
His calling me darling like Luke had the night before made me twitch with guilt, but I had to stuff that shit down and stay focused.
“You made your needs very clear at our first meeting,” he continued. “I agreed they were needs I could meet for you. It’s that simple. It would make me happier than you understand to support you in continuing your education. I value an education over almost anything else, and I don’t want you to miss your window. I’ll take care of it, okay?” He gave my hand a gentle squeeze.
“Thank you, Brian. You have no idea how grateful I am.”
He smiled. It wasn’t a lecherous grin like he was thinking of ways I could pay him back but a genuine smile of contentedness. Like he was truly happy to be helping me out of a bind.
“Now let’s enjoy the show, shall we?” He pulled me closer on the padded seat and slung his arm across my shoulders.
We sat that way through the entire show, and I enjoyed the closeness. He smelled divine and was so confident and strong without exerting any effort. It was like his natural state was assured and steadfast. I found a sense of calm while next to him I didn’t usually find on my own.
How had this man not been taken by a legitimately interested woman?
After the show, we strolled into a little diner we found as we walked along the street the comedy club was on. After a cup of coffee for him, a vanilla milkshake for me, and another hour of incredibly diverse conversation, it was time to say goodnight. Brian gave me a slow, sensual kiss right in the middle of the sidewalk while my ride sat patiently waiting to take me home.
From the back seat, I watched him stroll down the street, alone, until the driver made the turn to get to the freeway onramp and I could no longer see him.
With a heavy sigh but a content smile, I sat back and enjoyed the quiet ride home.
Chapter Fifteen
The next two months went along the same. I’d made the deadline to enroll in classes, and took one less than last semester, when I got into trouble with the workload. I was back on the active roster with the team because my GPA was back where it should be, and we were training hard for our first meet of the season.
Juggling my time between Luke and Brian became easier than I expected. Luke and I were sleeping together routinely and having more fun than should have been allowed. He was so easy to be around, and he always put my needs first. If I told him I couldn’t do something because of school or swimming obligations, he always understood.
It made it a little too easy to use that excuse, especially when I was spending time with Brian. Another tick in the guilt column for my conscience to wrestle with, but I reminded myself it wouldn’t be forever. I planned to see Brian until the end of the school year, assuming things were still going as well between us, and then I’d end our arrangement.
Other than the lump sum for tuition, I never brought up money again. He was more than generous with gifts, though. My closet was now a playground for my roommate to share, and even my jewelry box had a few new additions. More than anything, Brian wanted to have a dependable date on his arm for the many social functions he attended for his business.
I almost always started my day with a sweet little text message from him, bidding me a great day and, if we had been out the night before, a genuine thank-you for spending time with him. He made it so easy—much easier than I’d thought it would be in the beginning. I would really miss him when it was over.
The big issue remained keeping it all from Luke. Though Brian and I never did more than kiss, there was a nagging feeling in my heart that I was doing something wrong.
By Christmas, I was more than ready for the semester to be over. I needed a break in my schedule because my tank was running on empty.
My relationship with Luke was going great, but I felt some pressure about taking things to the next level. He routinely mentioned my moving in with him, and while it seemed a bit premature for someone my age, I had to remind myself how much older than me he was. It was a natural place for him to be. Not to mention, he had an impressive list of reasons for why it would be in my favor. I couldn’t really argue with the man. He’d put together a very convincing argument.