Page 103 of Asher
Unfortunately, that also meant not kicking the fucker who just randomly showed up in her hospital room.
His bitch of a wife at his side and their handsome son.
Two Years Later
I was leaning against the island while flour and god knew what covered my woman and my two girls, along with Stella and her little girl Ivy.
Laughing my ass off as I thought about how hard it was going to be to get all of that junk out of their hair.
Chloe was laughing as she sidled up next to me, and I didn’t hesitate to wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into my body.
She grinned up at me, “Are you sure?”
I lifted a brow, “Am I sure about what, Doll Baby?”
She smiled, “That you don’t want to try for a son?”
I shook my head. “Nah. Meant to be a girl dad. And that’s alright with me. They will be the most kickass kids ever created. I can tell you that right now.”
“If I could do it, I’d fucking live in your pussy, Doll Baby,” I said as I slid out of my wife, undulated my hips, and then slid back in.
She grinned, winked, then whispered, “If it were possible, I’d let you.”
“Wanna make another baby?” I asked her as I pulled out and then slammed into her hard.
Her gasp, followed by her moan... I fucking lived for those moans of hers.
When I did it again, and then again, and then again, I knew she forgot what I had asked her.
Her nails were digging into my back, and I would wear those claiming marks with my chest puffed out with pride.
This woman undid me.
I wasn’t the president of a one percent motorcycle club to her.
I was simply her husband.
Her confidant.
Her second-best friend.
Her protector.
The father of her children.
And until the day I died, those were the only titles I would die to keep.
After we were through, I came three times, and my woman came seven times, her little body was curled into mine.
Her breaths flowed over my skin, and then she whispered, “Last time I was in labor, you told me we were never doing this again because your heart couldn’t take it. I guess that’s changed?”
I sighed, “Fuck. Yeah, no. Find a way for me to carry the baby, and we will have another one.”
She giggled, “It doesn’t work like that.”
“I can guaran-damn-tee that any man who loves his woman wishes it could happen. Felt like someone had grabbed my heart and ripped it from my chest every time you cried out in pain.”
With the softest of kisses, she pressed one over my heart, snuggled into my side, and whispered, “God couldn’t have created a better man for me had he tried.”
“I’m going to love you until the stars fall from the sky,” I whispered as I pressed a kiss atop her head.
And we fell asleep like that.
Holding onto each other as tight as we could.
That was until she rolled away from me, and even in my sleep, that wasn’t acceptable.
The End.