Page 2 of Holley Jolly Biker
Then I said, “Speakin’ of being smart. We need to have someone good with computers.”
Nuke looked at me and asked, “You thinkin’ about the same guy I’m thinkin’?”
Then, at once, we both said, “Merlin.”
“He already has a killer name, no need to give him a road name,” Nuke said.
My eyes moved to the top and to the guy who stood behind a glass door. He wasn’t allowed out with us. Not after he had beaten the shit out of five guys for thinking it was funny to go into detail about what they planned to do to girls the moment they got out of there.
Jenson had his arms crossed, staring at nothing, his eyes barely moving.
I saw Nuke tilt his head in the same direction, and then he sighed, “Seriously?”
I nodded, “Yeah, and his road name should be Kettle.”
Cause once you pissed him off, there was nothing that calmed him down. Unless you took the little bitch that started it away from his line of sight.
Nuke ran his knuckles over his chin and jerked up his head, “Alright.”
And that was how the five of us, the moment we all turned eighteen and aged out, got to work.
It took us six months doing every odd job we could find in order to buy a rundown hotel that sat on ten acres of land, one that had probably seen better days.
A hotel that had four levels to it. It was on the smaller side, however, for what we needed, it worked.
The back of the land held nothing but the bayou.
And there in the makeshift room, in that run-down motel on one of the hottest days that Louisiana has seen in months, Nuke said, “We need to come up with a name.”
Just like that, names were thrown out, however, for one reason or another, none of them sounded right.
It wasn’t until Grey said, “Hear me out. Seein’ as none of us really like to be touched. We only talk when it’s important. Society has failed us. And we only have a few rules. How about Soulless Outlaws Motorcycle Club.”
I sat there in my rusted, used-to-be white folding chair and thought about it. I liked it. It was different. Fitting.
Therefore, I jerked up my chin.
Grey nodded.
Kettle jerked up his chin.
Merlin smiled, “I like it.”
Nuke jerked up his chin.
And like that, SOMC was born.
“We need to select the officers. First up is President,” Nuke said.
I looked at him, Kettle looked at him, along with Grey and Merlin.
Nuke took in all our looks and shook his head, “Really? Me?”
I smirked, “This shit was your idea, after all. Only seems right.”
And that was how Nuke became the president.
Grey became the Vice President.