Page 8 of Holley Jolly Biker
I shook my head, then looked at Merlin, who was closer to the remote.
“FindDie Hard. Put that on.” I spoke.
And that was what he did.
Nuke had woken up when the title showed on the screen and watched it all the way through.
Kettle had come back in; the top of his nose was red as hell, and if I wanted to get punched in the face, I would have called him Rudolph.
Jury, however, wasn’t so smart.
Because he called out, “Hey Rudolph, going to need your nose later tonight when I go outside to my bike.”
Kettle moved and swung.
Knocking Jury out of his chair.
After we watchedDie Hardand a few more movies, I headed up to my room and climbed into bed.
Hoping that I would get the call tomorrow that my house was finished.
See, I bought it about two years ago for a song and a steal.
A small-time home remodel company was at the house at the moment installing the new installation in the ceiling.
Cause two days ago, when the cold front moved through, I had woken myself up with my teeth chattering.
I wasn’t going to be woken up like that again.
Hell, even my balls had crawled inside, it was that cold.
I wondered what had Agatha in the mood she was in.
Because it was the next day, and she had woken all of us up by walking up and down the halls beating on a metal pot with metal spoons.
I yawned as I took another swallow of black coffee.
After the party we had last night, I fucking needed this.
Needed this in a way that if I didn’t have it, I was going to be dragging ass.
The moment Jasper came walking down the steps, a giant hickey on the side of his neck, Agatha clucked her tongue and pointed at the only unoccupied chair in the main room.
Then she started, “Now that you are all here, seeing as next week is Thanksgiving, we are going to start celebrating the holidays.”
Every single one of us groaned.
“I’m telling all of you right freaking now. You will all celebrate this year. I won’t hear another word about it.” Agatha said as she pointed at all of us.
Then she walked over to us and handed each of us a piece of paper.
Once she did that, she said, “On those pieces of paper are things we need to make this a somewhat decent holiday. Also, you are going to get the items on the list, and you will help decorate this place for Christmas. I don’t want any of you to come back until you have those items in your possession.”
Nuke scowled, “Excuse me?”
Undeterred, Agatha placed her hands on her hips and scowled right back, “If you want me to keep cleaning up afteryour nasty behinds and being the one to shoo women out of here the moment y’all are done with them, then none of you will give me any lip.”