Page 18 of Sweet Wicked Vows
Chapter Six
Whoever said running was good for the soul was full of shit.
There was no way in hell people actually got enjoyment from feeling like their lungs were going to explode.
I was fairly sure I was going to die if I kept going.
“I told you that you should have stretched beforehand,” Violet teased. There wasn’t a drop of sweat on her. “You’re going to give yourself a hernia at this rate.”
“I’m fine,” I wheezed. “I just need a moment to catch my breath.”
Was it normal for the air in my lungs to be on actual fire?
“You just need to remember that it’s good for your body and soul.” She grinned, jogging on the spot. “Nothing like fresh air to clear away all the shitty energy.”
I continued to gulp down air. “Uh-huh.”
“Breathe in that fresh crisp air, feel it push all the negativity out of your body.”
“Oh, I am trying to breathe,” I rasped. “It just makes me feel worse.”
“Let me check your pulse.”
“I’m okay.” I batted her hand away. “I just need a second.”
It was nearly a week since the dinner. The whole ordeal went better than I expected, with my dad surprisingly coming round to the idea of me being married to a man that he knew as muchabout as I did.
A huge win considering how much Dad had loved Laurence. He doted on him, and much like the rest of us, he thought he was a perfect match for me. Not that he would admit it, but I think he was as heartbroken as I was when Laurence left.
After Jaxon left for the evening, stating that he had a flight to catch, my dad asked again if I was happy. He promised that if I made a mistake, a momentary lapse in judgment, he would take care of it.
And again, I lied to him.
“Something seriously shitty must be fucking with your aura.” Violet finally stood still. “Or maybe I should saysomeone?”
I gave her a deathly glare.
“You know what will help? One more lap,” Violet said. “If you manage one more without vomiting, I’ll reward you with a fresh warm cinnamon roll.”
“Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of running?” I blinked away the spots of lights.
She laughed. “I don’t think you’re out here running with me for your health, Evie.”
It was true. I needed a way to clear my head, something that got me out of the house and away from party planning, and Flynn’s constant suspicious looks.
I swore Flynn looked at me like he was expecting a pregnancy bump to sprout any second, as if it were the only reason I sold my soul to the Dade devils.
Running, despite the stitch stabbing me in the side, I focused on the air flowing in and out of my lungs and not on the text message I received before calling Violet. Mydarling husbandinformed me that he was returning back to New York and wanted the address to the house we’d be moving in together.
Our house.
Our home.
My porridge breakfast threatened to make a reappearance.
“Here’s as good a place to stop as any.” Violet stopped at the exit to the park and headed straight to the independent bakery,Sinaroll,we adored. “And look at that, you didn’t die.”
Sweet heavenly goodness greeted us when we entered.