Page 49 of Sweet Wicked Vows
Frederic’s inability to show any emotion other than anger or indifference to those behind closed doors meant he only was able to maintain a connection with one of his brothers.
Lucky me.
“Speaking of.” Olivier’s gray eyes scanned the room. “Where is our emotionally stunted big brother?”
“In Monaco, handling that shit show of a situation he’s gotten himself in.”
“I see.” My brother frowned. “I’m guessing she won’t back down?”
I shook my head.
“Between me and you, do you really think she’s being unreasonable? Freddie is cold, like a deep arctic cold. I don’t think he is capable of looking after anyone but himself.”
“It’s not our problem.” My eyes instantly landed on Evelyn. Shewas making a piss poor attempt at pretending not to watch me while engaged in conversation with someone. “All you need to worry about is finishing your studies.”
My wife finally stopped pretending. Green eyes locking onto me, she mouthed the words ‘save me’ as the woman she talked to turned her back.
A rumble of a chuckle passed my lips.
“She’s way out of your league, Jax.” Olivier followed my gaze. “When are you going to introduce me to my new sister?”
Seizing the opportunity of Evelyn finally standing on her own, I guided Olivier to her, careful not to touch the shoulders of the passing bodies who’d taken to start dancing.
“Evelyn, this ismon frère, Olivier.”
A flash of green coated my sight as she awarded him a genuine grin.
The brightness and joy of her true smile rivaled the sun itself.
“All my friends call me Olly.”
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” she replied, offering him her hand. Another wave of eye-stabbing green rolled through me as Olivier pushed her hand away and threw his arms around her. She stood off guard for a beat before returning the embrace with a hearty giggle. “Well, aren’t you just the sweetest?”
They hugged as if they were fucking long-lost friends.
“Are your other brothers here?” she asked. “I’d love to say hello to them.”
I shook my head. “They sent their regards.”
“We don’t need them here, not when you have the best two Dade brothers right here. Now, bring it in, brother.” Olivier tried to loop his arm with mine. I stepped back, bumping into someone dancing, and instantly recoiled. Why did I agree to this party? Whose bright idea was it again?
I was so fucking on edge, I wanted to break something.
And more importantly, why the hell were the two of them stillhugging?
“You don’t like crowds,” Evelyn stated, breaking away from Olivier.
“Not particularly,” I said tightly.
“Talk about an understatement,” Olivier chimed in. “Remember that time in school, the teacher made you try out for the rugby team? The second they all got into a scrum together, Jax lost it.Grand-mèrelost her shit when they sent you home for getting into a fistfight with three of the boys.” Olivier shook his head, laughing. “Poor bastard came home with a broken nose that day.”
The slight bump in the bridge of my nose thrummed with the memory. “I was severely outnumbered.”
“Didn’t stop you trying to fight them all at once.” Olivier grinned. “Pretty sure the teacher said it took another four boys to pull you off one of them. And that, my dear new sister, was the last time Jax played any sports.”
Evelyn’s eyebrows flew up. “What age were you?”
My jaw clenched. “Twelve.”