Page 5 of Sweet Wicked Vows
“Oh yes, that’s right. You’re a blogger or something.” His grin turned feral. “Not sure how much help that is going to be when you’re in your daddy’s boots for a year.”
“And let me guess, dear Uncle. You think you’d do a much better job than me?” I laughed falsely. “Last time I checked, you work in a personal security firm, which hardly makes you more qualified to take over a multi-million-dollar jewelry industry.”
“And you simply being born a Reynolds means you are capable of doing the job?”
“More capable than you.”
I refused to let someone so insignificant get under my skin despite the way his words grated against each of my nerves like rusty nails on a chalkboard.
Stefan tipped his head back and chuckled. “Evie, we both know you have as much interest in running the company as a penguin in the desert. But considering how unreliable your brother is these days; we can at least agree your father is smart by putting you in charge until young Flynn grows up.” He stood suddenly. “I only fear, little niece, that you will not be able to handle it, and those beneath you in the company will jump at the chance to see you fail.”
The air in my chest tightened. Stefan wasn’t completely wrong. I never wanted to be in charge. I understood it was only for one year, to let Flynn finish his degree, and then he’d take over. However, with the way my brother was behaving, his recklessness and inability to grow up, I feared that he may never be ready to take over.
“I do have a way that might be able to help you,” Stefan said. “A way to show all the investors and partners that you mean business, that you actually have what it takes to do the job.” He moved around the table, fingertips sliding along the wooden surface and leaving smears in their wake. “My idea can help youin more ways than one.”
Where the hell was Polly?
My spine stiffened as the scent of stale cigarettes assaulted my nostrils. “What makes you think I’d take anything from you, let alone advice?”
Stefan stopped inches from me. “Don’t you wantReynolds Regality Jewelsto thrive? Don’t you want to show your poor sick daddy that you can handle his legacy? His entire life’s work? That you won’t squander it away and leave it in ruins because you didn’t listen to me?”
I said nothing.
“A proposition has arisen,” Stefan continued. “A mutually beneficial one. Like most of the marriages within your circles, a proposal has been offered your way from Frederic Dade.”
It was my turn to laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Frederic Dade was one of the most uptight people I’d ever had the misfortune of meeting. What he lacked in interpersonal skills, he more than made up for in his business. He was ruthless, and over the past seven years, he’d grownDade Diamondsto be one of Dad’s biggest competitors. I could appreciate his thirst and drive for success, but the man could make as much conversation as a damn rock.
“I’m not marrying Frederic Dade,” I said. “First and foremost, our company does not need his. Secondly, I made it clear to my father that I will not marry for any reason other than love.”
“Evelyn, grow up.” Stefan rolled his eyes. “You belong to a world where love is worthless. No one as wealthy as you marries for love. You’re a fool if you don’t thinkReynolds Regality Jewelscould benefit fromDade Diamonds.”
“I don’t care.”
I meant what I said.
Stefan was right—most, if not all my friends and those who lived within the high society of New York married for no otherreason than personal gain.
I never wanted that.
My dad had promised me that if I chose to marry someone, it would be my own decision and for the sole reason of love.
It’s why I chose Laurence. We were marrying each other because we were in love, or at least, used to be.
“Think about it.” Stefan’s hand gripped my arm. I tried to remain unbothered. “You have no idea what it takes to run your father’s company. You were never trained. It was always meant to be Flynn.” His fingertips tightened. “Marrying someone as business savvy as a Dade will help you run the company. Chase away all those waiting on you to fail away.”
I didn’t have a clue about being an interim CEO. Something I told my dad time and time again, but he refused to listen. He feared that letting an outsider do it was too risky.
A marriage to someone who understood what it was to be a CEO would be highly beneficial.
But, why did it have to be Frederic Dade?
From what I read aboutDade Diamonds,theywere not struggling in terms of wealth. Why would they want to align themselves with us? It was true that we held two of the largest markets. Maybe even the stoic Frederic knew he had little chance of stealing them.
Shrugging Stefan’s touch off, my nose crinkled at his sly smirk. “I don’t need to marry Frederic Dade to be a passable CEO. I have learned many things from my father, and if he believes I am ready to lead the company, then that’s all I need.” I stepped back and walked to the office door, cursing Polly under my breath for not showing up to save me. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have things to do today.”
Stefan sighed heavily. “Don’t be a fool, little niece. Don’t let your pride get in the way. Frederic’s offer won’t last forever.”