Page 95 of Sweet Wicked Vows
Against my own advice, I knew I was falling deeper in love with each passing day.
I knew I was in serious trouble the morning he announced he needed to go to Dubai for a week.
“A whole week?” I pouted. “Can’t Frederic go?”
Jaxon stood shirtless at the end of the bed. Adonis tattooed body that was impossible to get sick of looking at. Thick veiny arms. The trail of hair running from his bellybutton to his boxers that all I wanted to do was run my tongue down. Broad chest and shoulders that were able to handle my nails digging into them as he brought me to orgasm over and over.
And it wasn’t just his body that I found myself obsessing over. It was his dimples. His laughter. His dry sense of humor. His attentiveness to detail. His dislike for anyone touching him but me. His ability to make me feel like I was the only woman for him.
Damnit, he was the whole package and then some.
He shook his head. “He has meetings with his lawyers that he can’t risk avoiding, not when Penny’s mother is looking for any chance to get full custody.”
I didn’t know Penny’s mother personally. She never showed during Christmas, despite Florence’s open invitation. HowJaxon and his family spoke about her—it was easy to draw conclusions that her best interests lay in Frederic’s wallets and not with her daughter.
My judgment was possibly blinded by only hearing one side of the story. But even Olivier, the man who didn’t have a bad word to say about anyone, was unable to hide his dislike for the woman.
“There’s nothing you need me to stay for, is there?” he asked.
There were plenty of things Iwantedhim to stay for.
Being around him was like coming up for fresh air while drowning.
I love my temporary husband.
I’m in love with my one-year-fake-husband.
I was totally and utterly fucked.
“Everything at work is finally back on track,” I said. “I’m sure that I can handle everything while you’re gone, or who knows? I might fuck it all up, and you’ll come back to the place in ruins.”
“I have faith in you. It’s only for a week.” Jaxon dipped down and placed a whisper of a kiss on the curve of my mouth. “Try not to miss me too much,ma douceur.”
“Like a hole in the head,” I teased, turning to catch his lips with mine. A rumble emitted from the depths of his chest as my tongue swept along his bottom lip. “I have plenty of things to keep me occupied while you’re gone.”
His eyes darkened. “Like what?”
Butterflies burst to life. “I am pretty sure my vibrator is around here somewhere.”
“Ah.” He adjusted his boxers, the swell of his hardening cock stealing all the moisture from my mouth. “If you insist on using such a thing in my absence, I have one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“Ring me. I don’t care what time of the day it is, or if I am in a meeting. I want to hear it,” he smirked. “I want to hear howdesperately needy you are. How you couldn’t be a good girl and wait one week without me. Ring me and let me hear you make yourself come. Let me hear how badly you miss me.”
I swallowed hard.
Jesus Christ.No matter how often he said such toe-curling things to me, my mind still short-circuited.
Like I said before, the man was the whole damn package.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I tried to keep my voice level.
“Good,” he smirked. “My flight leaves this afternoon. If you need me for anything, and I mean anything, Evelyn, I am only a phone call away.”
“I’ll be fine. Everything is under control again. I do actually have something exciting happening this week.”