Page 5 of Like You Love Me
By the end of the video chat, a grin was on his daughter’s face. “Have a good night, Honeybee.”
“I love you, Daddy.”
“Love you more, sweetheart.” London was still smiling as he returned the phone to his pocket. Sierra was the apple of his eye, and he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. His family was his life.Family firstwas his motto.
He retrieved two mugs, poured the cocoa, then covered both with tiny marshmallows and sprinkles of cinnamon. London put the pot back onto the stove then carried the cocoa upstairs, eager to be with his wife once again.
Chapter 2
One week later
Bianca looked over at her sister-in-law Brenna and grinned. “This looks good,” she said as her gaze shifted back to the colorful poster on the coffee table before her. “This looksreallygood.”
“I’m glad you like it because they’re already posted around town,” Danica announced as she sauntered her six-foot frame into the family room carrying a bowl of potato chips. The naturally reddish-brown hair beauty was married to her brother Jaden.
“Great job. I couldn’t have done it better myself,” Bianca said and looked quite pleased.
Brenna gave a dismissive wave. “We figured while you and Sheyna were recuperating, we would take the lead.”
“Thank you both. Sheyna is going to love these.” There was a chime of the doorbell. Bianca started to rise from the sofa.
“Don’t you dare move from that spot,” Danica warned. The former runway model sauntered toward the foyer in brown stiletto boots, a matching bolero jacket, and mile-long blue jeans.
Brenna caressed her rounded belly, defined by a tight gray cable-knitted sweater, and nodded in agreement. “We promised London to take care of everything, and I don’t want to hear my brother-in-law’s mouth if anything happens to you.”
Bianca smiled at Brenna and pulled a pink throw blanket over black leggings and a faded college sweatshirt, as she continued to relax on her sofa. “Fine. Have at it.”
The doorbell rang again, and within seconds, Bianca heard the loud cries of women happily greeting one another before she looked up to see the curvaceous golden-brown beauty coming around the corner. “Hey, Deb.”
Debra’s eyes shifted and landed on her. “Ooh! I’ve been waiting to get over here and put my eyes on you again.” She sauntered over in furry Ugg boots to the sofa and wrapped arms around her. The familiar scent of wood sage and sea salt engulfed Bianca as she hugged her best friend. “I am so happy to see you. How are you doing?” she prodded.
“You just saw me over the weekend,” Bianca scowled and gently pushed her away. “I’m fine.”
“I know, but I had to see for myself again,” Debra took a few moments to study her face.
“Quit your fuss,” Bianca protested. The bruises along her face were starting to fade so Bianca knew she didn’t look half as bad as she had the previous week.
Playfully, Debra started raining kisses all over her forehead.
“Enough already,” she said, shooing her away while the others laughed. “We’re supposed to be planning a bachelor auction.”
“Yass!” Danica exclaimed.” And it’s the talk of the town.”
“No,” Bianca corrected. “The town is talking about you on the upcoming cover of the May issue ofEssencemagazine.”
Danica blushed; the added color darkened her light-brown complexion. “How’d you find out?”
Bianca laughed. “You know my brother can’t hold a secret. Jaden called and was so excited for you.”
“That’s wonderful,” Debra cried. “But I thought they were featuring your swimsuit line?”
Smiling, Danica fluttered a hand to her chest as she said, “They were, but then they decided to do a story on me and my family.”
Brenna smiled. “That is amazing.”
“Is Jaden going to allow them to take pictures of him?”
Danica nodded at Bianca. “I hope so. The magazine is flying down in two weeks to take photographs of us and the children.”