Page 8 of Like You Love Me
“I told him I needed time to think about it.” She shook her head solemnly. “London is never going to go for it.”
“Nope, not the way he feels about her, but I think you should,” Sheyna said truthfully.
Debra threw her head back like she’d been slapped. “Should what?”
“Consider letting Collin see Sierra.” Sheyna rushed to continue. “Sierra has a right to know London isn’t her biological father.” Sheyna shrugged. “I hear stories all the time about kids resenting their parents for lying to them. At some point, you must be prepared to tell her the truth.”
Debra looked up at her, nostrils flaring with suppressed emotion. “He doesn’t deserve to see her! Have you forgotten he was blackmailing Bianca for money?”
“I haven’t forgotten but that’s not going to stop him from telling her the truth,” she added, driving home her point.
Bianca blew out a breath. She had always known the day would come when she would need to tell her daughter the truth. She just hoped it would come when Sierra was much older when it wouldn’t matter as much. Not when she was only seven and so impressionable.
She had been pregnant and wearing Collin’s engagement ring when she found out he already had a wife. There was no way with Jessica Beaumont as her mother could she have told her she was pregnant by another woman’s husband. And then London had done the honorable thing and offered to marry her. Now Collin regretted the decision and wanted to be a part of Sierra’s life.
“Wait, didn’t he sign away his parental rights?”
Debra grunted under her breath, and Bianca gave her a look that said, “behave” before she looked over at Sheyna and replied, “Yes, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t change anything. He wants to know his daughter.”
Debra squeezed her hand. “What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“When are you planning to tell London?” Sheyna asked.
Bianca shrugged. “He has enough to deal with right now with the fire at the restaurant and then the Troy incident. I just didn’t want to add anything else to his plate.”
“Did he ever find out anything about the fire?” Debra asked and shot her a puzzled look.
Bianca shook her head. “No, the insurance company is still denying the claim.”
“That sucks.” Debra gave Bianca’s fingers another gentle squeeze.
“Listen,” Sheyna said and leaned forward on the sofa. “You have to say something to London. The last thing you want is for Collin to cause trouble. You remember how he behaved before.”
Yes, how could she forget? Collin had blackmailed her. “And that is what worries me most.” She had better do something sooner than later. Now she just needed to find the right time to speak with London.
London stepped out from the snow-covered ground into Spanky’s, a sports bar, and spotted the Jace and Jaden already seated at a bar-height table to the left. He headed in their direction, oblivious to the women’s wistful gazes following his wide strides.
“What was that?” Jaden shouted at the big screen. Since high school, the friends were diehard Dallas fans. Tonight, they were playing the rival Washington Football team. The three looked away from the offensive line on the screen long enough to acknowledge London’s arrival.
“Hey whassup, bruh?” Jace greeted with a head bob.
While London yanked the skull cap from his head, he gave each of them dap. “What’s the score?”
“Seven-ten Washington.”
Nodding, London peeled off his coat and slid onto a stool.
“Help yourself.” Jace gestured to the platter of wings and two pitchers of beer on the table. London reached for one of the frosted mugs, filled it and immediately took a thirsty swallow. After a long day at the restaurant, he needed a drink.
Jace’s eyebrows lifted questioningly. “You been home yet?”
“With all that estrogen in the house?” London shook his head. “Hell no! I was on my way home when Bianca called. When she told me Danica and Brenna were already there, I made a U-turn.”
Jaden tossed his beer back with a chuckle. “You know they’re over there talking about the auction.”
“I’m glad it’s your house and not mine,” Jace added with a hint of laughter in his voice.