Page 73 of The Nowhere Witch
He was breathing heavily by the time he got to me. “I’ve been calling you for the last ten minutes or so. You didn’t seem to hear me. Where you heading? You want some company?”
I glanced in the direction of the wall, where I’d been heading. It wasn’t like that huge thing was a secret. Everyone in Xest knew about the wall, as evidenced by the great divide it caused, but I still hesitated. What if he came and saw all the black goop, then asked me about the black goop? What was it? Where did it come from? People around here already disliked me. I couldn’t imagine that information would add to my fan base.
Gregor was still staring at me, waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, sure.” In spite of having no gloves, I rubbed sweaty hands on the backs of my legs.
“Do you come up this way a lot?” he asked, climbing beside me.
“Just when I want to get some exercise.” I walked a little faster so he couldn’t see my face as I lied. I’d gotten better at it, but I wasn’t going to win an award anytime soon.
“Do you go check the wall?” he asked. “I’ve heard there were some problems with it.”
I hesitated a second and then continued. The cracks were probably common knowledge as well, even though I hadn’t heard most people talk about them. Gregor was on the same side, though, and he worked at Zark’s. He probably heard everything.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. I just wanted you to know that I’d help with it if I could. If you wanted to tell me what you were thinking of doing, you know. I didn’t think it was a secret.”
“No, it’s definitely not. I don’t know, I guess I just don’t like talking about it.” Now that was the truth if anyone ever spoke it.
Instead of heading to the places with the recent repairs, I stopped at the first clearing, a ways shy of the wall.
“Want me to start a fire? Hang out for a little bit?” Gregor asked, already piling up a couple twigs and lighting them.
They were getting to me. I was letting Hawk, and now Musso, turn me against Gregor for no reason. Hawk had probably recruited Musso, and here I was, getting all weird with Gregor. Either way, I didn’t really have time to hang out, but now I didn’t want to tell him that. Hawk would not dictate my life.
“You know, I’ve got to get going. I’ve got some appointments, but maybe we can hang out tomorrow?”
“Yeah, definitely. I’ll walk you back.”
“My meeting isn’t in town, but I’ll catch up with you tomorrow,” I said, giving him a wave and heading off before he tried to follow me.
It was true, I did have an appointment, and it wasn’t something that would be Gregor-compatible.
* * *
I took several deep breaths and focused, letting the cool air wash over me. Feeling centered, head clear, I shook out my hands and prepared myself. Bautere didn’t typically give me warning. I’d need to sense him before he struck.
“You look like you’re waiting to be attacked,” Hawk said.
“Did you follow me?” Was everyone following me today? Or had he been following Gregor, who’d been following me? Either way, I was going to have to find a different place to practice.
“You’re extremely easy to find. You might as well draw big arrows pointing in the direction you went.”
It didn’t escape me that he hadn’t denied or admitted following me.
“Who have you been practicing with up here? That’s what you’re getting ready to do, isn’t it? You know, I would help you with that little problem.” He leaned against a nearby tree and casually crossed his arms, his jacket flapping in the cold air, not that it ever seemed to get to him.
“Thank you, but no. I’m doing quite well on my own.”
“Excited to see the progress.”
“I’m not performing today, so you can be on your way.”
Even as I spoke, it was already clear he wouldn’t leave. When did Hawk do anything I’d asked? Never.
“Show me. What’s the problem?” he asked, walking closer and then circling me.
“I do this the way I want. Not the way you tell me.”