Page 37 of Shadow of Death
The room fell silent, except for Death, who let out a scream. It shattered the glass on the table, even though I was pretty certain I was the only one who heard her.
People shifted from Kicks to hover over his father. It didn’t take more than a glimpse to realize these were two vastly different situations.
“He’s dead,” one man said, no one daring to touch him.
Another pointed at me. “She grabbed him. She killed him right after she knocked out Kicks.”
Varic, who was kneeling by his father, stood and pointed at me. “How did you kill him? How did you knock out my brother?Whatare you?”
I took one more glance at Kicks. He looked like the other injured party. I’d rather he be standing when I left, but I’d already lingered too long. I had to get out of here before they tried to kill me and Death let them because she was so furious. I’d figure everything else out later.
Death disappeared. It wasn’t surprising that she’d leave me on my own. This hadn’t exactly gone down the way she’d dictated, and she was a fickle bitch even when things were to her liking.
I edged backward, trying to watch everyone and everything all at once. I sensed movement behind me and turned to see several men advancing quickly. I raised my hands, prepared to fend them off however I needed, but they didn’t touch me. I inched my way toward the door, but it was blocked by men with both guns and swords. Too many to get past. I didn’t want to kill anyone else.
“Don’t kill her!” Varic yelled. “I want her alive.”
“Let me leave or I’ll kill you,” I said to the men in front of the door.
“Don’t budge,” Varic said to them.
There was fear in their eyes as I took a few steps forward, but they stood their ground, swords and guns pointed at me.
“Please, I don’t want to kill you.”
They didn’t move. I flicked my hand toward one of them. It didn’t do anything other than catch their attention. I did it again, and nothing. I didn’t even feel the surge of power flowing through me. There was still a chance I could kill by touch, but I’d have to get past their guns and swords in order to do it.
“You’re not going anywhere,” Varic said as he came closer but stayed well out of reach.
Unfortunately, it looked as if he was correct.
I was stuck.
Chapter Seventeen
I was herdedthrough the halls and down into the basement by sword- and gunpoint. The closer we got to the heart of the building, the walls changed from pristine white to unfinished stone, and the air grew heavy. Down below, in the deepest recesses where it didn’t even appear to be the same place, were cells.
They opened the door of one, and a butt of a gun steered me forward. The door slammed shut with a heavy thud behind me. There wasn’t a single window, and the darkness of the cell pressed in around me. I was truly trapped. I couldn’t count on Death to save me. I might die here.
If I died, would Kicks still take care of Charlie? I’d killed his father. He might’ve acted as if he didn’t like the man, but still… It was hisfather.
I huddled in the corner on the stone floor. The only other thing in here with me was an empty bucket, which I dreaded having to use.
It would’ve been pitch black if not for a tiny trickle of light shining through a crack on the bottom of the door. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself.
I had to get my thoughts straight and come up with a plan to get out of here. I couldn’t count on Kicks. From this moment forward, it was safer to assume he wanted me dead. Someone would be down to question me soon, and I needed to figure out a story, formulate a plan.
The air chilled. Death was here. I couldn’t see her, but Ifelther.
“Are you going to get me out?” I whispered.
She didn’t answer.
“I killed him. You wanted him dead and he is. Maybe not the way you wanted, with all the drama and fanfare, but the deed is done.” I shivered as I felt the air chill with her presence.
I didn’t need you tokillhim. I could’ve done that myself. I needed you to send a message. He was the main man behind the deaths and you think a quick death was what I wanted? You’re lucky your Kicks is alive after what you did.
I stayed huddled and silent, afraid if I said anything else, she might go and do something to Kicks.