Page 86 of Shadow of Death
I gave her a once-over as she began to rock beside me, as if she were settling in for a bit.
My wolf made a disgruntled snort but then settled with its head on its paws.
She looked at it, her head at an odd angle.
“It doesn’t like you,” I said.
“Yes. My wolf.”
How could it like me when you don’t and it’s part of you?
I went silent, letting her words sink in. What the hell did that mean, exactly?
“Are you saying I made him? How is that possible?”
All life is energy. You focused enough of the power and energy you were afraid of into the physical manifestation of a wolf. You channeled the parts of you that you couldn’t handle into something else that was easier to compartmentalize yet still control. It makes sense when you think of it. A wolf is powerful, and yet dangerous.
“I made a wolf?” I said, a bit in awe of myself.
You made a wolf.
“It’s definitely not scary,” I said, reaching out and smoothing a hand over its fur.
Your power wasn’t either,she said.Seems we both created something we hadn’t quite intended, which is one of the reasons I’m here. We need to have a talk about some things.
“And what is that?” I asked, feeling my power started to pulse in my veins.
No need to get angry,she said, watching me like she could physically feel it.I’m here to offer terms for a truce of sorts.
“Which are?” I asked.
First, I need to explain how you were a bit of an accident,but I’m not the only one who caused a problem. As far as I can tell, it started with Jaysa giving her magic to you after she’d already passed on. That’s how I was able to communicate with you to begin with.
It might not have been a problem if that was all that happened. But then I used you, and that small power grew. Even then, it still might’ve been okay. But there were more missteps. The others were becoming concerned with you, so they brought you to the other dimension, testing you. But when they brought you the second time, and shocked you with their magic, instead of killing you, they infused you with even more power.
That was the final straw. What none of us realized was that you were immune to being killed in most ways due to what you already had inside you because of Jaysa and me. You’ve heard the saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”? It’s never been so true as in your case.
My mind was reeling. That bastard had tried to kill me. But she’d said a truce. I wasn’t losing my peace or putting anyone in jeopardy for past wrongs.
“So what does that make me? And where does that leave us?”
We don’t know. There hasn’t ever been one like you before, and if you’re smart? You’ll never try to find out the limits ofwhat you can do. That is the only way you’ll remain safe. Don’t draw anyone’s attention and they’ll all pretend you don’t exist.
“So that’s it? Lie low and it’s good?”
Yes, unless you decide to go on a killing spree or meddle too much and they need to find a way to get rid of you.
“I wasn’t planning on it.”
Then they’ll all be good. They gave me their word.
“Did you go to bat for me?” She seemed a littletoohelpful. She wasn’t getting anything back, and Death wasn’t about giving anything away for free.
I left you there to rot with Varic in Scotland. Felt that I might’ve owed you something.
“You feelguilty?” I was glad I hadn’t been drinking my tea when she said that.