Page 22 of Valka
“Good! Because I can’t have any babies. I’m not young enough anymore.”
Valka lifted his head and looked at her suspiciously. “Delia old?” he asked.
She scowled down at him. “I am not old.”
“No baby. Delia old.”
“Fine. I’m old. So are you. And you should be glad, especially if you don’t want babies. I can’t have any.”
Valka closed his eyes again and lay his head back again. “Valka like old Delia.”
“I’m not old.”
“Old Delia, good.”
“I’m not old!” she insisted a little more firmly.
“And loud. Loud old Delia,” he said, grinning as he began to fall asleep, with her still lying atop him.
“When will that thing between your legs let me go?” she asked.
“Later,” he grumbled. “Shhh, loud Delia.”
She waited a few moments, then tried to lift her hips off Valka once more.
He didn’t shout this time, but he did smack her on the ass again.
Grumbling and cursing under her breath, she finally gave up and rested her head against his shoulder, closing her own eyes to try to get some rest until the swelling in Valka’s cock went down enough for her to be able to finally climb off the massive male who was the absolute best lover she’d ever experienced.
A few minutes after she settled down and began to relax, she felt Valka’s arms come around her. “Valka’s Delia. Safe,” he promised.
Delia couldn’t help it, she smiled. Leave it to her to find a male halfway around the world from her home, huge and green, complete with tusks and growly as hell, to finally want to take care of her. Every man she’d ever cared about had let her down — maybe this mythical creature of a male would be the one who wouldn’t.
Chapter 9
The next morning Delia woke slowly, looking cautiously over her shoulder for Valka before rolling over and stretching her tired, sore muscles. Sitting up and looking over the expanse of the cave, she realized that he’d left her alone. “Valka?” she called quietly.
There was no answer.
Fairly certain there was no way he’d leave her unattended, she got up and stretched again before she walked along the back wall of the cave looking for the entrance to the walk through that was naturally hidden from view. She found it and followed it to the bathing cave, her eyes scanning the cave quickly to determine if Valka was there or not. Seeing that he wasn’t, she hurried over to the last small pool at the lowest section of the cave, did her business, then returned to the main cave, expecting Valka to be waiting for her. But when she arrived, he was still nowhere to be seen. “Valka?” she called out again, a little louder this time.
When there was still no answer, she smirked. “He’s testing me,” she said to herself. She looked around for her clothes, and found some of them, draped over the logs near the fire pit. “Where are the rest of my clothes?” she demanded, looking carefully around the cave, but they were nowhere to be found. All she had were her pantaloons and her undershirt. Irritated, though not having any other choice in the matter, she reached for her pantaloons and realized they were wet. “He washed them!” she exclaimed, holding them up to better see them. Shaking her head in irritation that now she had to wear wet clothes, she pulled the pantaloons on despite the dampness remaining in the fabric, followed by the still damp undershirt.
She sat on the log she’d found her underclothes on for only a moment before she headed for the entrance of the cave. She very anxiously approached the cliff’s edge and looked down at the ground below. The only thing she saw was the skaevin she’d befriended, lying alone in the sun. The bowl she’d given him water with, lying empty a few feet away from him. Looking back toward the village itself, she realized that it was further away than she’d first thought. Apparently, the Orcs brought all their stolen merchandise just inside the cliff walls of their village to break it up and go through it all while determining who got what, and what they’d sell or keep. Now that that part of scavenging the ship she’d arrived on was finished, the people of the village had vacated the space directly beneath Valka’s cave and cliff.
Delia glanced toward the skaevin once more and realized it was looking at her. “You’re hungry and thirsty, aren’t you?” she asked.
She looked back at the village, further to her left, then toward the waves she could hear crashing further to her right. She walked to the far right following the cliff’s ledge as far as she could and was surprised that at the back of the cliff, it provided a view of the beach and bay, complete with the rocks sticking up out of the water that had been partially responsible for the ship they’d been on becoming stranded. As she stood there, looking out over the water, she wondered if Valka had watched their impending demise, determining then and there that he’d claim one of the women for his own, or if he’d even considered such a thing before seeing her and deciding that she was his. Ultimately, it didn’t matter. She belonged to the old, scarred Orc, now. And he’d promised to protect her, and considering where she could have ended up, it wasn’t a bad ending at all.
The call of the skaevin distracted her from her musings. She walked back around to where the cave entrance was located andpeered over the cliff’s edge again. Sure enough, it was looking up at her.
“Fine. I’ll bring you some of Valka’s fish. Lord knows I don’t want it.”
Delia went inside and began going through the storage spaces he’d cut into the side of his cave. It took her very little time to find the dried fish and took at least a dozen pieces, wrapping them in a strip of cloth to make then easier to carry. Then she began to look for a bowl or cup or anything to carry water in.
The huge raptor called again, urging her to hurry.
“I’m coming!” she called loudly.