Page 29 of Valka
The males looked at each other once more before falling into step with Raska. As one unit they had a chance. They rushed toward Valka’s cave, prepared to kill him.
Valka still held Delia on his lap, but her head rested on his right forearm, tilting back enough that her mouth naturally fell open. The fingers of his left hand rested gently on her throat as he watched Louise dribble some of the horrid smelling tea Svatka had given her into Delia’s mouth. When enough had been dripped into Delia’s mouth, Valka began stroking her throat. He flashed a quick smile when the action caused Delia to involuntarily swallow.
“Again!” he demanded.
Louise nodded, as excited as he was that Delia was responding. She held a stone bowl in her hands, just barely spilling some of the noxious liquid over its edge to slowly track down the side of the bowl and drip into Delia’s open mouth.
Valka stroked her throat again, causing her to swallow.
“Valka?” Toska said, his voice urgent and tight.
Valka grumbled, but didn’t answer or look his way.
“Valka, they’re coming,” Toska said again.
“Who come?” Valka asked, still not bothering to glance up.
“Raska. He’s got warriors with him. They carry weapons.”
“Pffht,” Valka scoffed. And it was the only response he bothered with.
“Valka, they are coming. Do you not hear their war cry?” Katva asked. “They come to battle with you!”
“Raska barter, not battle,” Valka said.
“True, usually. But there are many of them, and they carry their weapons. Some wear armor,” Toska said.
“Valka help Delia. Kill Raska later.”
“If you don’t settle this now, they may kill Delia,” Elkva said.
Valka’s head shot up sharply, glaring over at the males who’d assembled to stand with him, awaiting his presence at the entrance to his cave. “No hurt Delia,” he snarled viciously.
“Then we need to fight,” Oscal said.
“It’s time, Valka. The women will keep watch over Delia while we take care of the threat against her and you,” Elkva said.
Grumbling, Valka laid Delia down, then took the time to roll up a fur and place it beneath her neck so that Louise could continue to give her Svatka’s tea. He grabbed his battle-axe and started for the cave entrance.
“They’re wearing their armor. What about a helmet? A chest plate? You need some form of protection,” Elkva said.
“Warrior no need armor,” he growled. He’d walked all the way out of his cave, but came quickly back. He pointed his battle-axe at each of the males, then at both females. “Valka die honor. Delia choose new male.”
“We’ll see to it. Whoever is left standing will see to it,” Elkva promised.
“No male choose! Delia choose!” Valka shouted angrily.
“I’ll make sure,” Louise said, nodding confidently, though she was completely unsure of how she’d manage to keep her word.
Valka gave a singular nod, then turned and walked over to the edge of his cliff. He waited until Raska and his males were close enough to see him clearly, and he dropped over the side toland steadily on his feet, not even bothering with the footholds he’d cut into the cliff side.
Katva shrugged and followed Valka over the edge.
Oscal merely glanced back at the rest before he made his way halfway down the cliff before jumping down to stand beside Valka.
“You protect the females, we are going to join Valka,” Toska said to Elkva.