Page 7 of Valka
“Rented out?!” Patricia screeched, starting to sob again. “To a, a monster? What would we be rented for?” she whined and started crying again.
“Sex. Strong males need sex. Most do not want to care for a mate,” Raska said matter-of-factly, thinking it would be better if they understood. “Do not allow Skala to frighten you, someone will want you. There is always someone, and he will be greatly respected if others of his tribe pay for time with you. You will be fed and sheltered, even you old woman.”
Several of the women started crying and sobbing, though the older woman wasn’t one of them.
Snarling, Skala moved toward them, his hand drawn back like he’d slap the sobbing women into silence. “Stop sniveling! You will not be fed and sheltered if you cry!” he demanded.
The older woman, Delia, darted in front of the sobbing women. Her head held high, her chin raised, her injured arm held against her own chest, her good hand fisted at her side. “If you think you will strike these women and not have repercussions from me, you are sadly mistaken. I have no doubt you will try to batter me as well, but be sure that you kill me. Because if you don’t, when I wake, at some point you will have to sleep and when you do, I will make sure that you never wake again!” she said angrily, her voice slow and measured as she glared at Skala.
Valka hid a slight grin, thoroughly enjoying the exchange.
“You will find yourself regretting these threats, human,” Skala snarled. “Perhaps I will claim you as mine just to have the pleasure of teaching you your place.”
Delia smiled coldly. “If that means sex, then please do.” She clacked her teeth together. “I’ll remove a few choice pieces of your body and spit them out in the dirt where the rest of you belongs.”
“You will regret that!” he shouted, though he stepped back, his hand unconsciously shielding his pelvic region from her view.
“I have many regrets, but I’m more than sure that anything involving injuring you won’t be among them,” Delia snapped.
“That is enough, Skala. Stop arguing with the human,” Raska said.
“She will pay for her insults,” Skala bit out.
“Just leave her!” Raska half-shouted. “You will not harm her. She is already surly. If you injure her and she cannot work, we will lose her value when we sell her.”
“No one will want her! I will teach her her place now,” Skala objected. “She will bring more in trade when she is subdued.”
“I said leave her,” Raska insisted.
Skala turned to glare at his brother.
“Someone will want her. There are lonely males in the other tribes. The last group of females we offered caused fights and even the death of one male,” Raska reminded him.
“I told you we need our own females! You always sell them. Keep these here, even this loud one, for our own use. After I force her into submission, those who cannot fight for their own, can share her.”
Raska turned to look at all the females. His gaze took in most of them sitting quietly, trying not to attract attention, then the sobbing one, and finally the loud one.
“If we keep the rest, we could still barter with the loud one and the crying one. Unless the loud one is damaged. That is what we’ll do. We’ll sell the loud one and the crying one.”
“She will pay for her insults. She will learn to respect a male,” Skala insisted.
“Leave her! I have decided!” Raska bellowed.
Skala remained where he was, having a stare off with his brother.
Raska stared back, daring him silently to openly defy him again.
Finally Skala stepped closer to the loud woman. “You have not seen the last of me,” he growled out, spitting at the ground near her feet.
She looked Skala up and down, then spat on the ground near his feet. “I believe that is your problem, not mine.”
Skala lost control, lunging for her.
She stepped back, ducking his first grab in her direction.
Raska moved quickly between them. “Enough!” he shouted, shoving Skala back. “Go! Go now before I decide to make you go!”
“You saw…”