Page 25 of Ky
I’d kept her secret this whole time, telling my club an unknown assailant had attacked me in the warehouse that night. But by the way my father had looked at me, I knew he hadn’t believed me.
Leaving the hospital after the stabbing, I got Knox to do some digging on the DL, not telling my dad what I was doing and why. I wanted to speak to Kon about it, but I was sure my uncle would talk to my pops about it, since they were now as thick as thieves. But I didn’t want anyone to find out why I wanted all that info.
With a sigh, I pour myself another whiskey, the burn in my throat a familiar comfort as I decided this would be my last one for the night. Making a habit of drinking until I was in a stupor wasn't something I could continue doing. I know no one but me is to blame for my drinking, and no one but me could stop it. But I still blamed the woman who had a starring role in my dreams for the last four years. She was the one pushing me to it, and I was going to stick to that explanation.
The party for Chains is in full swing, everyone’s having a great time, while I’m sitting on the sidelines, watching everything unfold. I’d already given my gift to my brother, a gift card to the Harley Davidson store, so he can buy himself whatever he wants.
It’s then the doors to the clubhouse open, and finally in walks Lily. I hadn’t seen her in several years; not since she killed that motherfucker Ramos. But I remember her as this gangly kid. What walks through the door today has left that kid well and truly behind. She’s wearing black leather pants, a green midriff top, and a leather jacket she has unzipped. She has her hair tied back from her face in a ponytail, and there’s a wide smile on her pretty face as all the women squeal when they see her crowding around her. Even Ink enfolds her in a hug, but to my surprise, she quickly extricates herself from his arms.
The surprise of the night is Tiny showing up without Sage or his boys. Everyone, even me, was happy to see him, but disappointed they couldn’t seem to work things out.
“Hey guys, am I late to the partayyy? Look who I met in the parking lot. Did you guys know little Lily rides a sled?” Tiny bellows, holding up a full bottle of Jack. A grin from ear to ear on his face as cheers reverberate around the room. He’s surrounded within seconds by a bevy of sweet butts ready to please him at any turn, but who was I to criticize?
Tiny had left Briar Creek months ago to go to Washington State, to convince Sage to come home, after one of his mistakes had crashed a party not dissimilar to this one, announcing the kid she had with her was his. Looks like the groveling h did wasn’t nearly enough to convince Sage to come back with him. She was a tough cookie to crack, and he almost felt bad for Tiny with everything he undoubtedly would have had to do to get her back.
Sage obviously saw this as the final straw with Tiny’s cheating and ran with his boys back to Washington. I almost feel sorry for the big guy, but he’d gotten himself in the mess he was now in. But who was I to judge?
After greeting her parents and twin, Lily comes right for me. Her slender arms wrap around my neck. I can scent the night air and some light floral perfume on her, as I do the same with my arms. Surprised that I was actually happy to see her, as it’s been years since the last time.
“Hey there, big brother,” she greets me, though her eyes are somewhere over my shoulder, and I can imagine what she’s seeing. The same thing I’ve been looking at all night. Sera and Ink being very chummy, playing pool where he had Pinky spread just a few hours ago. Asshole.
“So, I hear you're home to stay?” I say, sitting back down on the stool as she props herself up next to me.
“That’s the plan. Not sure what I’m going to do here, though. Not a lot of jobs going around in this backwater town,” she replies, sipping at the drink she got the prospect behind the bar to get for her.
“You could probably work for your mom at the clinic?” I say, noticing Sera is no longer around Ink, and I can’t seem to spot her. My heart thumps loudly in my chest, wondering where she could’ve gone.
“Or you could work at the gym with me?” I offer before I have time to think about the word vomit I’ve just spewed out. Expecting her to turn me down since she hardly knows me.
I watch her eyes go wide, and a small smile plays on my lips. She then throws her arms around my neck. “Oh, my god, you’re a lifesaver. Thank you, thank you, thank you. When do you want me to start?”
I can’t help but chuckle. “Woah there, tiger. You’ve only just got here; don’t you want to spend a few days with your mom and dad before getting thrown in the deep end with work?”
Lily snorts. “The less I’m around the clubhouse, the better,” she grumbles, her eyes going to Ink again, who was now staring back at her intently. He and I were going to have a little chat about my sister. A way overdue one.
“You can start on Monday,” I tell her, distracted, as I look around the room, but don’t see Sera. My bladder is full from all the alcohol I’ve consumed, so I head straight for the bathrooms, needing to piss. Once I’ve relieved myself, I wash my hands quickly, wanting to return to the great room, where I’m sure I’ll find her with all the other women.
Unable to get the image of Ink’s arm around Sera, I want to rip it off his fucking body. But I need to quash those feelings, since Ink’s the S&A of the club, and he would prove difficult to replace. I’m just about to crash through the bathroom door when it opens and someone smashes into me with anoomph.I grabthe woman’s arms, assisting her so she doesn’t fall to the floor with the force of the collision,
“Fuck! Sorry, babe,” I start, standing back as shock registers on my face when I realize it’s Sera.
Her eyes flutter open, her hands grabbing at the front of my T-shirt for purchase. Her eyes widen in surprise than shock when she sees that it’s me. She immediately tries to push me away, but I don’t let her, instead pressing her against the opposite wall with my body, letting her feel every hard inch of me.
“Did you enjoy torturing me, being wrapped up in Ink all night?” I demand on a low growl. Her eyes widen in surprise before narrowing, the anger burning bright, as she forcefully pushes me back, but then steps into my space, pointing her finger at my chest.
“Let me remind you it was you who came tomyhouse last night.Youwho then stole away like a thief in the night,youwho never once contacted me since we slept together.Youwho ignored me completely all night. So no, you don’t get to come at me for anything. I don’t owe you any explanations.” She glares at me, her breathing quickening with anger.
A self-satisfied grin curves across my lips as I push the guilt and regrets I had down. So, it bothered her I left without telling her. It bothered her I hadn’t texted or called, which she could so easily have done the same.
Good to know.
I slowly stalk towards her as she backs further against the wall, the blazing fire in her eyes from a moment ago extinguished, seeing I wasn’t about to give up.
“If you wanted another round, you could’ve just called me and we would’ve avoided all this bullshit tonight,” I drawl, running a hand up her thigh, desperate to feel the wetness I know is in between her legs.
Sera's hand shoots out, and the sound of her gasp cuts through the air when she hears what I’ve said to her, leaving no doubt in my mind that she intends to strike me. My reflexes were quicker, and I snag her wrist, the pressure of my fingers biting into her skin.
“What are you doing?” she demands through gritted teeth, trying to buck me off her, but that only gets me harder than a pike.