Page 32 of Ky
I’d put them up in the home I built on club property next door to my dad and Everleigh; a home I built for myself and the woman I finally settled down with. I thought that woman would be Sera, but that all went to shit after Mariah appeared.
Since she’s the mother of my kid until I can prove otherwise. I don’t know what it is because I can’t put my finger on it, but I just refuse to believe anything this woman says. I hope for Mariah’s sake that Finn is mine, because if it turns out he isn’t, I won’t hesitate to take her out.
I’ve been staying at the clubhouse, there was no way she and I would be living together, too much water under the bridge. I’m not a man who forgives and forgets. But I wasn’t going to blame the kid for his mother’s actions.
Since their arrival, I’d spent most of my free time with the boy. Everleigh already loved him like her own, but pops was a little more guarded, getting in my ear at every opportunity to get a paternity test, which angered Mariah to the point she threatened to take off with my boy, thinking her threats were going to keep me in line.
What was up with that, anyway? She has no idea who she’s dealing with; so the sooner I got the paternity test done, the better.
I also had no idea what I was going to do about Sera.
I hadn’t seen her since the night of the party where she took off with Ink, the motherfucker. Knowing that he was sniffing around Sera made me even more murderous. The fucker kept taunting me over his relationship with her, taking great pleasure in telling me how much time they’ve spent together.
Our relationship has been strained since then, and I don’t think things will get better anytime soon. We’d come to blows a fewtimes, both of us being pulled up by my old man, sick of our bickering. We were both given a warning to pull our heads in, and I was told in no uncertain terms to get over Sera since Ink was with her,
But that’s not something I can do. And won’t. She was mine long before she was his. And I was determined to make her mine again.
It killed me to have to stay away from her; I kept telling myself that it was only for a short while, until this shit with Mariah was sorted, but it just kept dragging. And now I just feel stuck.
I pry my eyes open, immediately blinded by the intense brightness of the sunlight streaming through the open window. I can see Mariah, her back is to me, and she’s on the phone, talking in a hushed tone with someone on the other end.
Completely naked.
I groan internally. I can’t live like this anymore. She’s been intent on wearing me down. There was no way she was going to be my ol’lady. Not now, not ever.
And if the bitch is drugging me, I will find out. Then she’ll be out on her ass. Or six feet under, whichever I’m in the mood for on the day.
I groan again, this time louder, and curse myself when I see her freeze. Cutting her conversation short as I open my eyes fully, narrowing them on her smooth back, running my eyes down to her still pert ass, which was what had attracted me to her at first, and I hate that my dick is recognizing that.
“I gotta go. He’s awake.” I hear the whispered tail end of her conversation with whoever is on the other end of the line. I’ll find that out too. They won’t be anonymous for long. Placing her phone on the nightstand, she pastes what she perceives to be a sexy look on her face, and almost struts toward me, her tits jiggle as she does so, and I hate my body’s reaction to her.
“Good morning, lover. You’re awake,” she speaks in a sultry whisper, and if I had the energy, I’d roll my eyes. She’d taken to calling me lover the first time we fucked, no matter the times I kept telling her to stop it.
“Why are you here, and who the fuck were you talking to?” I demand, pulling myself up to a sitting position, uncaring if the bedsheet drops below my waist. A fleeting nervousness crosses her blue eyes, instantly replaced by a smile as she caresses my chest, tracing the patterns of my tattoos. I grab her wrist in a punishing hold to stop her touching me.
“Oh, that was Everleigh. She’s taken Finn for the day, so we can be alone,” She says, her eyes lowering for a second, and I add that to the list of other lies she’s told me. “You asked me to stay. Don’t you remember?” She says. Her eyes taking in my morning wood, licking her lips suggestively.
I press down on my crotch to keep my dick from saluting her.Down, boy. You’re not that desperate.
Narrowing my eyes at her, I try to wrack my brain for any memories that I would’ve asked her to stay. Unless I was so inebriated, I don’t remember anything?
I haven’t told anyone else my suspicions, besides Knox, and I’ve asked him to keep quiet until we got solid proof. But I think it’s time to at least tell my pops, even though I have yet to get a shred of concrete evidence of any wrongdoing on her part. I need someone in my corner when things finally go to shit and I can take Finn. Because if it turns out he’s mine, I won’t be letting the bitch anywhere near my kid, that’s for sure. I just hope it’s not too late, and she hasn’t ended up pregnant with all the times we’ve fucked without a rubber.
That’s all I need, now that I’ve decided I was going to get Sera back.
Throwing back the covers, I ignore Mariah’s pouty face and pad naked and barefoot to the bathroom, closing and locking thedoor for good measure. Taking a piss, I run my hand down my face, hating this feeling of a constant hangover most mornings. Well, it will all soon be over. I was going to see to it.
Pops had taken pity on her and given her a job working behind the bar since she was complaining she had lost her job back in Dallas. What she was doing there, she was pretty tight-lipped about.
Getting into the shower, I can’t help my thoughts from going to Sera. Would she even take me back after everything that had happened over the last few months?
I palm my painfully hard cock, stroking it hard, as I lean against the tiled wall with my other hand, seeing her wet and willing body in my minds eye, together with me under the spray, she lowers herself in front of me, and takes my cock into her mouth.
Within minutes, my balls draw up, and I’m squirting come all over the shower stall, watching on a deep groan as the white ribbons disappear down the drain, wishing I could fill her with it instead.
Standing under the water spray for a few minutes longer, trying to collect my bearings, I finally get out of the shower, wrap a towel around my hips, and return to the bedroom. As I knew she would be, Mariah is there waiting, still naked.
“What are you still doing here?” I growl, not looking at her, grabbing clothes as I go. Dropping the towel, I quickly dress, aware that she’s still staring at me, and hasn’t spoken a word since I returned.