Page 39 of Ky
“I need to get outta here for a little while,” I tell them, turning to head to my sled.
“We’ll figure things out about that issue you brought up this morning,” my dad calls out, and I lift two fingers in a wave of acknowledgement before throwing my leg over my bike.
After an hour of riding aimlessly, I was finally able to clear my head enough to head home. And when I walk through the door half an hour later; I was disappointed that he was already in bed. I smile at Ella and thank her profusely for looking after my son.
I check in on Finn, once Ella leaves; the anxiety I felt over everything that happened tonight washing away instantly when I see him.
Closing his door, I stride to my room, thankful that Mariah wasn’t home yet. I face plant onto the bed in exhaustion, wearing only a pair of black boxer briefs. Falling asleep almost immediately.
I stretch and slowly open my eyes. Looking around the barren room, which consisted of a bed, a dresser and two nightstands. I remember that I’m at the clubhouse in one of the spare rooms Ink put me in after I’d been released from the hospital last night.
My thoughts going back to the fire, as tears blur my vision. I still find it hard to believe that we’d lost our home, but I was just so thankful that Willow and I were okay.
And the baby, of course. I touch my hand to my stomach and sniffle, shaking my head in disbelief at how close I came to losing everything I held dear.
The pain of losing my child was so intense that I would not have hesitated to end my own life to be with her. I turn my head and look lovingly across at my still sleeping girl. Unable to stop my hand from tucking a stray dark curl behind her ear. I spend the next few minutes just staring at her, leaning over, I place a soft kiss to her forehead. If I had done anything right in my entire life, it was Willow.
I gently pulled back the covers, careful not to wake her as she slept soundly. Fresh tears well up in my eyes as I thought about all of Willow’s baby things destroyed in the fire, each one a reminder of her innocence and tiny size. And this time, I couldn’t stop the tears coursing down my cheeks.
I quickly swipe the tears away, the salty taste lingering on my lips, and chew my lip as another troubling thought rears its ugly head. The realization that Willow and I would be living under the same roof as Ky had completely slipped my mind.
Shit!Ky and Willow will be in the same orbit for goodness knows how long. But I couldn’t very well demand he stay awayfrom the clubhouse without raising suspicions. I look down at myself and wrinkle my nose at the same clothes I’d been wearing when the fire broke out, reeking of smoke.
I hurriedly take a shower, not wanting to linger in a man's bathroom, which was clear to me from the array of male hygiene products neatly arranged on the shower shelf. With a towel wrapped around my body, I softly tread back into the bedroom; that’s when I notice a pile of clothes placed on a chair in the corner of the room. I walk over resolutely and see the note is from Everleigh.
I hope you and Willow can use these until you both get something new? I hope you can wear the clothes I’ve left for you; I know we’re not exactly the same size. The ones for Willow are Ivy’s, I can tell they’re of similar size so it should be good. Meet us in the common room, and we’ll go downtown to get something for you and Willow.
I brush furiously at the tears threatening to spill. These women have all been wonderful to me, and I don’t know how I’ll be able to repay them back for their kindness.
But I needed to stop crying.
I hurriedly get dressed in a pair of jeans, which were a tad tight around the hips and tush, but unfortunately, that couldn’t be helped. Pairing it back with a crimson silk style shirt that showed off my coloring. I run my fingers through my still wet hair, piling it up into a messy bun on top of my head.
The only shoes I had on me were the sneakers I use for work, they were old, scuffed, but comfortable. Just then, Willow stirs in the bed, her brown eyes looking around the room before coming to rest on me, and I can see the relief in them, she wasn’t alone in a strange room.
“Good morning sweet pea.” I greet with a bright smile. The smile falling from my face the instant my baby girl cries. Rushing to her side, I scoop her up into my arms and cradle her in my lap. “It’s okay, baby girl. You’re safe.” I coo, looking towards the sky mouthingThank youto whoever was up there watching over us both.
It took a few minutes for her full on crying to be reduced to a few sniffles, and I held her throughout, telling her she was safe, that nothing like that would ever happen again. I would do everything in my power to make sure that didn’t happen.
“Do you feel better?” I ask softly, as she nods her head, her eyes puffy from crying. “How about we go downstairs and get some breakfast? I bet you’re hungry? I know I am.” I lightly tickle her tummy, and she gives me a tentative smile. With her sadness over the last twenty-four hours seemingly behind her, I help her get dressed in the clothes Everleigh provided, and If she was here right now, I would’ve kissed her.
Happy that we’re both presentable, I take a deep, calming breath before I open the door of the room; grab Willow’s little hand in mine, step out into the hall, worry etched on my brow at what I might find here playing out. Following the sounds of voices downstairs, I stand in what can only be described as a great room.
The room falls silent as we enter, and I can feel the weight of everyone's gaze on me, making me acutely aware of myself. It’s then I make eye contact with Everleigh and mouth a thank you to her as I swing Willow up into my arms. Ink makes his way towards me, and I’ve never felt so calm as when I’m in his presence.
“Mommy!” My little girl’s voice is like a balm to my wounded soul. With everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours, it was difficult for me to keep the tears at bay as I wrap my daughter into my arms. Her toddler scent calming my whirlingemotions, as Ink drapes an arm over my shoulders. His lips peck my cheek softly. And again, I wish I could feel something more than friendship for this man who has been a rock for me these last few months.
“You want some breakfast?” he whispers in my ear.
“A coffee would be great,” I reply with a smile, looking down at my little girl. “And what would you like, little miss?”.