Page 49 of Ky
We were going to get a cheap motel, but the Burning Sentinels wouldn’t hear of it, putting us up in their clubhouse. We left Everleigh in Luna’s capable hands there, since the poor woman looked ready to drop. She needed to rest after what she’d been through the last few days. Even though she’d been against staying back in Briar Creek, arguing that she was needed just in case a medical emergency arose.
My father reluctantly relented, and I watched in fascination the way they interacted with each other still. It had been years since they reunited. I stood on the threshold of their room, impatient to get down to business now that we were finally here, but turn on my heel and head back to my sled when it looked like they weren’t going to be done going at it, for a while.
As Kick’s son, that was something I didn’t want or need to see.
The Burning Sentinels clubhouse was much smaller than the one back home, but it wasn’t lacking in the sweet butt department. In fact, I hadn’t seen an array of women like that in a long time. But the thought of fucking a club whore while Sera was locked away somewhere with Angelo, doing whateverhe was doing to her, I felt like the lowest of the low. As it is, we needed to jet, and I was on tenterhooks waiting to leave.
Ten minutes later, after my father and his woman had stopped sucking face, we finally set off toward the house where we knew Angelo was keeping Sera. Arriving at the sprawling estate, the address given to us by Kon, who’d also joined us tonight—under the cover of darkness, we silently make our way to the front door.
I was surprised by how low the security was in this place—it seemed like it would be a cakewalk. But I’d learned over the years as a member of the DCMC that nothing is ever as it seems.
“Ready?” my father questions the brothers gathered around. We all nod as one, with our weapons at the ready, Kick kicks down the door, the element of surprise on our side, shooting at the shocked occupants.
I blast my way inside, reloading the gun as I go. The opulence of the place doesn’t even register, as I have only one thing on my mind. Get to Sera and get her out of here. Knox had sent everyone copies of the inside of the house, so I knew instantly where the basement was. But it surprised me that the fucker Angelo was nowhere to be found. It seemed like he left his men as sitting ducks for us.
Or so I thought.
But then the fucker appears, right from the direction I was moving in.
The basement. Where I was certain he was holding Sera.
I swing my gun around, intending to shoot, but freeze in my tracks. His grip on Sera's arm was like a vice, adding to the mosaic of bruises that painted her body, a testament to the violence she had endured over the short time he had her. Seeing her in that state, my anger was like a moving tornado, and if I could, I would’ve shot the bastard where he stood. As it was, I’dbe putting Sera in more danger than she already was if I tried anything.
She was completely naked, and I could tell she wasn’t with it.
He must’ve drugged her or something?
Her head was lolling around, and her usually bright brown eyes were vacant and distant, but there was an underlying pain hidden in them. My eyes trail down, noticing the blood on the inside of her thighs, and my heart stuttered. I knew what that blood meant. If we could get her away from here today, she would need medical attention right away.
The hand not holding the gun clenched into a tight fist. Not one inch of her previously blemish free skin was spared. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and tell her that everything would be okay. But I knew, looking at her, nothing would be okay ever again.
Mostly, I wanted to launch myself at the smug asshole, thinking he held all the cards. But in the end, I would kill him with my bare hands if I had to.
He could take that to the bank.
As one, we turn our weapons on Angelo, and in turn, his men turned theirs on us.
“Did you all really think I wouldn’t know you were coming?” The prick eyes us warily, holding Sera up by her hair, in front of him like she was nothing more than a rag doll.
She doesn’t even wince in pain, and it looks like she’s already checked out.
His days were numbered, but I wasn’t willing to put her in anymore danger than she already was.
“I think you’re not a very smart man if you think holding a defenseless woman in front of you like a human shield will stop us from taking you down,” my father growls, and I couldn’t help my head from swivelling in surprise in his direction. But all Angelo does is laugh. Dressed in pressed dress slacks andbutton-down white shirt, not one dark hair on his head out of place. He reminds me of Kon.
But Kon still has a sliver of humanity inside him.
This motherfucker had none.
Without letting her go, she looks at us with vacant eyes, like she has nothing left to live for.
Hold on sweetness,I try to convey to her silently,this will all be over soon.
Taking us all by surprise, he throws her down to the marble floor where she lands heavily, half his goons’ weapons were trained on us, half on her. I desperately wanted to go to her, but the thought of them shooting her because of me made me hesitate. So I remained standing in place, wiping all emotion from my face, even though I wanted nothing more than to exact my revenge on all of them.
And I would, I just needed to bide my time.
“Now, let’s get down to business, shall we?” he sing-songs. He motions with his gun, and the biggest motherfucker I had ever seen appears in the middle of the circle our boys and his had made. He was close to seven feet, and muscle upon muscle. A scar on the left side of his face mars his already ugly mug. Too many hits to the face will do that to you. The realization of what Angelo is planning hits me in the solar plexus, but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of showing I was intimidated.