Page 51 of Ky
But all he does is scoff.
“That wasn’t taking control, kid. That was giving into the fucker’s demands.”
My anger boils over. “What would you have me do? Let him kill Sera, the mother of my kid?” I yell back.
“A kid you only found out about today.” We round on each other, the need for violence is all-consuming. But do I want to turn that violence on my own father? I don’t think so.
“Pot, kettle, black, pops.” I sneer, knowing full well the lengths he’d gone to for his own kids, especially when Lilly was taken by an enemy and sent to Mexico to be sold into sexual slavery.
But before my father could reply, the door bursts open, and Everleigh stands there, a frown of worry on her face.
“What the hell’s going on here? I could hear you clearly throughout the clubhouse.” And just like that, with her appearance in the room, my father’s demeanor changes immediately. He becomes instantly calmer. Softer.
Everleigh enters the room with her hands on her hips, her expression twisting into a scowl as she waits for an explanation.
“Well?” she demands when she doesn’t get one from either of us. Looking around the room, her face changes to one of worry. “Wait. Where’s Sera?”
“She’s still back at the house,” I explain, running a hand through my long hair. Did I do the right thing, or should I have let my brothers just shoot up the place when we had the chance?
“So, what are his demands?” she asks.
Dejected, she sits on the edge of the bed, looking worn out. I tell her everything, ignoring my father’s scowling face.
She’s his ol’lady, the first lady of the club, she should know what’s going on. Her shock is hard to mask when I tell her that Willow is mine. How did I become a father to two children at twenty-six when it was only a short time ago, I was enjoying my life, easy pussy on tap, and no other obligations, bar the club?
“How do you plan on handing Mariah over to him?” she asks.
“I don’t. She’s going to face club justice, that hasn’t changed.”
“So, you’re determined to do this?” She asks, a note of skepticism in her voice.
“Getting Sera back is my top priority. Yes.” I say without hesitation. Even though I’m still angry at her for her lies.
Getting to her feet, she smiles a watery smile, touching my face tenderly and ignoring my father’s growl of protest at the move.
“But the man wants you dead, Ky.” Shaking her head. “Your father will not mourn you, the club will not mourn you. You need to beat the bastard,” she says shakily. Adding, “You’re truly your father’s son. He’s never shied away from his obligations, and now, neither will you. I’m proud of you.” She draws me in a warm hug, which only lasts as long as my father allows, bringing her back against his own body, so that they’re touching from front to back. I can only hope I find a tiny piece of the same thing with someone. I huff.
Someone? Don’t you mean Sera?.A voice in my head breaks a piece of the ice that I’ve built around my heart.
I smile down at her, My heart swelling with her words. “That means a lot to me. Thanks.”
Throughout the following week, I survived on minimal sleep and food, only interacting with Angel, my trainer/manager, among my brothers. I trained around the clock, my thoughts consumed with Sera while I did. If her condition had gottenworse since I’d seen her last week, I would take great pleasure in gutting Angelo like a fish. I was determined to be the victor in that asshole’s little show of intimidation tactics.
Anticipation fills the air as the night of the fight approaches, leaving everyone, myself included, on edge. I wasn’t worried for myself, because I was confident I could defeat the asshole’s chosen fighter. I was more worried about Sera and how she was faring.
We let the Burning Sentinels MC know we’d be staying longer than originally planned. They were cool with it, letting us bunk down at their clubhouse for an extended period. For their kindness, we invited them to the fight club tonight, so when we all arrived together, we drew the attention of all the patrons. Especially Dragon, the President of the club, who was an imposing figure, towering over even Tiny.
Tiny, my brother and VP of the club, returned from Washington without his family, and calling him despondent would be the understatement of the year. Since returning, he’s thrown himself into his work, always the first to jump into action when danger calls. And tonight was no different. I was just afraid he would get himself killed.
Angelo’s guy stops us at the door to the warehouse, making us give up our weapons before entering. The fucker was clueless to the fact we had other weapons strapped to various parts of our bodies.
We all wore our club's colors, causing a stir with the patrons as we walked through the building. I look around, my hands casually stuffed into the front pockets of my jeans. I don’t know what I thought I’d see when I finally spot Sera, maybe her dressed to the nines like she was three years ago, looking down her nose at me.
But it certainly wasn’t her naked form locked in a cage barely big enough to hold a dog. When her eyes meet mine, I can clearlysee tear tracks on her pale cheeks. I want nothing more than to open the cage and let her out. Then I would tear Angelo limb from limb with my bare hands.
She looked worse for wear since the last time I’d seen her.