Page 65 of Ky
Arching a brow at her tone, I give her a lopsided grin. “What? You’re not eating?”
“We all ate at the normal time dinner was supposed to be. Ink helped me make the lasagne and then he helped me put the kids to bed.”
An irrational anger at the fact that Ink was here, playing happy families with her, and our kids, overcomes me, making me want to turn around and seek him out, and return the favor with a punch to his face.
But I do none of those things, instead, with a deep sigh, I slip out of my cut and am about to hang it up on the hook beside the door, when Sera takes it from me and hangs it almost lovingly on the back of my chair as I sit down. She sits across from me, silently watching me eat.
“This shit’s good, babe,” I tell her, shovelling another fork full into my mouth.
“Gee, thanks,” she says dryly. “So, where were you?” The accusatory tone in her voice almost makes me cave and smile. But I hold myself back.
The little vixen was jealous. Good to know.
After finishing the first slice, I stood and got myself a second, sitting down again, and eating half before answering.
“I drove around mostly. Then I went to see Tiny.” After returning from Florida, Kon helped us transport Tiny back with us. He’s been in a coma since the shooting, and Cullville General is as good a hospital as any to take care of him. Sage hasn’t left his side since it happened, even wearing her property of jacket again when she's out in public.
I feel that something has shifted between them. I just hope that things stay that way even when he wakes up
Ifhe wakes up.
By all the doctors' accounts, they tell us he won’t. But we’re still holding out hope that he will. Sage the most.
Sera’s face softens, and after I’d finished eating, she was about to take the empty plate from me, but I wrap my much larger hand around her wrist, tugging her toward me. With little effort, she lands in my lap, and my cock decides then it was a good time to wake up. Poking her in the ass, I wanted nothing more than to slide out of these jeans and slide inside her warm heat.
Before thinking better of it, I gently tuck a curl away from her face, licking my lips. She seems mesmerized by the movement,as I lower my head, and finally claim her lips in a kiss that was everything and much more.
As we kissed, our tongues engaged in a playful battle for control. There was no way I was going to let her win, taking over the kiss as she wraps her arms and legs around me. Her hot pussy pressed against the hard bulge where my cock was trying to break through my jeans.
“What do you want?” I demand, breaking the kiss to nuzzle her neck, my teeth leaving light marks against her pale skin, her moans will be my undoing. “I’m not going any farther until you tell me,” I warn her, hanging on by a thread.
Growling in frustration, she attempts to push me away, but I don’t let her.
“Did you sleep with anyone while you were out? You were gone an awfully long time,” she asks.
Pulling back, I pinch her chin between my thumb and forefinger, making sure she was looking at me when I spoke to her.
“No, sweetness, I didn’t fuck anyone else. In fact, I haven’t been with anyone since Mariah.” I look away for a split second, hating to have to admit this to her, hating even more the hurt expression on her face. But it was time. “Well, not since she drugged me every single time we were together. Because there was no other way I would’ve been with her otherwise.”
I watch the hurt morph into shock than abject horror. As the implications of my words sank in.
“But that means she raped you?” she whispers, her body relaxing against me. One of her small hands gently running down the side of my face.
I shrug. “It’s not something I want to dwell on,” I say. “It’s over and done with now.”
Sera's bright smile lit up her face as she leans in, her kiss a passionate embrace mixed with the soft, loving touch I knew so well. I’ve well and truly fallen under her spell.
“Ky?” she whispers against my ear, nipping it gently as she spoke, my cock jumping at the sexy huskiness of her voice.
“Yes, sweetness?”
“Take me to bed.”
I look at her, to make sure she wasn’t feeling forced into anything I reply, the words she’d spoken are the only words I needed to hear from her as I gently pick her up in my arms,
“With pleasure, sweetness.”
Loving the way she wraps her arms around my neck as I carry her up the stairs. When we got back from Florida, I’d purposely put her in the guest bedroom, not wanting to have the temptation of her sleeping beside me. After everything, I was still feeling raw about her lying to me about Willow.