Page 70 of Ky
That’s the first thing she asks, instead of finding out the wellbeing of her child? Typical.
“Seems Angelo didn’t share that nugget of information, did he?” I drawl. “It’s a good deal, I suggest you take it. Or I can end things right now, like I’d originally planned to do. Your choice.”
Her jaw tightens and her eyes narrow. I can’t believe I thought I ever loved this woman.
“Fine,” she spats. “I’ll take the deal.”
“I knew you’d see reason,” I drawl.
“Asshole!” She throws a final barb at me, as we adjourn Church and I get to my feet.
“Get this bitch out of my sight,” I growl, walking out of the room before Kon’s two men, each take a hold of her arms. Their noses turn up, and I can’t help but chuckle. That’s going to be an interesting trip back to Dallas.
Back in the main clubhouse, I sidle up to the bar and order a whiskey neat from the prospect who’s manning it. It’s still relatively early, but I need something stronger than a soda after today’s turn of events.
It’s when I throw back the finger of whiskey that I hear the almost blood-curdling scream, and I know instinctively that it’s Sera.
We burst from the clubhouse, a brotherhood united, only to find my woman in distress, her tears streaming as she collapses on the gravel, ignoring the pain of her knees, and unleashing another anguished cry.
“Sweetness, what’s happened?” I demand, dropping to my knees in front of her. I lift her chin so that she would look at me, the anguish in her eyes was heartbreaking.
“He’s taken them both,” she cries, holding on for dear life to my hands with her own.
“What do you mean, he’s taken them both?” My throat goes dry, and I feel a wave of unease wash over me as I demand to know what was going on.
Fearing the worst.
“Finn and Willow,” she wails. “I left them playing in the yard, then suddenly they were gone.” That’s when she shows me the piece of paper.
After Ky leaves for church, I clear the table of all the dishes and stack the dishwasher. I go to the sliding doors that lead to the yard and step out onto the pergola. It’s a relief to see the kids are still playing peacefully after that little drama earlier. But now I need them inside.
“Finn, Willow, come on in now. I have to shower and change; I’d like for both of you to be inside, please.”
“Aww, Mommy. Do we have to?” my little sassy pants says, and I have to smile. “We won’t go anywhere, I promise.”
Crossing my arms over my chest, I make a decision which will haunt me for the rest of my life.
“Okay, but stay within the yard, and don't go beyond the gate.” I warn them, as they nod their understanding. "I'll be back soon," I announce, shutting the sliding glass door behind me. I sprint up the stairs, two steps at a time, and enter the room I slept in with Ky last night. Our relationship has shifted, and he’s demanded I move my things in here from the guest room, which I have still yet to do. I was so excited about things moving forward between us, I had completely forgotten. I take off my dressing gown, dropping it on the floor, as I walk to the bathroom.
While showering, I replay in my mind the events between Ky and me last night, our first night together since my kidnapping. It was the best night of my life, because for the first time, I felt like we were on the right track.
With a smile on my face, I finish showering, wrap a towel around my still damp body, and pad into the guestroom next door, dressing in white pants and a blue V-neck loose fitting tunic top. Slipping my feet into a pair of blue cork wedges, I runmy fingers through my damp, dark brown hair, leaving it to air dry.
Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I return downstairs, but a wave of dread washes over me when the usual cacophony of the children's laughter was absent. Opening the sliding door, I step outside, but to my horror, they’re not where I’d left them. Walking around the side of the house, I check every little nook and cranny, just in case they’re playing hide and seek, calling out their names.
My anxiety ratchets up a notch when I can’t find them, until I notice a plank from the fence that borders our house with the woods beyond has been moved, and my heart pounds in my chest. I think I’m going to be sick. A piece of paper is lying next to the fence paling, and I bend to pick it up.
“Let’s play a game, shall we? Let’s call it find the brats before time runs out.” A
My world suddenly comes crashing down around me, and I feel faint. But I force myself to remain upright, even though I feel everything is spinning out of control. That’s when I run, screaming at the top of my lungs. I need to get to the clubhouse and tell Ky what happened. They couldn’t have gotten too far; it must only be a ten-minute head start.
I must have been making so much noise that everyone came out to see what was happening. I see Ky and run to him, collapsing on the gravel drive at his feet, ignoring the pain in my knees, covering my face as I scream again.
“Sweetness, what’s happened?” Ky demands, dropping to his knees in front of me. He lifts my chin, forcing me to look at him, the pain and devastation I’m sure clearly visible in my eyes.