Page 8 of Ky
“He’ll make your car a priority,” Ink reassures me. “We can come to an agreement about the price.” He waggles his eyebrows, and I narrow my eyes at him as Ky none to gently puts his fist to Ink’s chest.
“If you think I’m going to whore myself out to the club to pay for my car, you assholes have another thing coming.”
But before either of them can reply, a tow truck arrives and behind him, a sleek black SUV with blacked-out windows.Another man in the same vest jumps out, but is younger than either Ky or Ink, and he doesn’t have a name on his vest like the other two, but the word PROSPECT on the back. Ky throws him the keys to his motorcycle.
“I find a scratch on my sled, you’ll be cleaning the toilets at the clubhouse for the rest of the week.” Ky warns the other man, who quietly acknowledges him with a chin lift.
“You coming?” He asks, narrowing his gaze at me.
“What’s going on?” I demand, crossing my arms over my chest. Not moving anywhere.
Ky silently stares me down, then shocks the shit out of me when he walks to the car, opening the back door, and starts unbuckling Willow from her seat.
I rush forward to stop him. “What are you doing?” I pull on his muscular arm, trying to get him away from my little girl. But he won’t budge.
“Hey,” he replies, pushing me off him as he picks up the still sleeping toddler. Before I can tell him to let her go, he hands her to me, our fingers touch, and I can’t help but feel the same old sizzle that exists between us.
Without missing a beat, he turns his back to get her booster seat out. He does it with such quick efficiency, I’m left wondering how many times has he done it in the past? A hot poker of jealousy stabs me when I think he might have a woman and child waiting for him. To distract myself, I take in the picture on the back of his vest—it’s of a skull with horns, and two pistols, above the scary-looking motif, is the name of the club Devil’s Carnage MC, and on the bottom is Briar Creek Texas.
I hold Willow close, inhaling her scent, which immediately calms my racing heart.
“Come with me.” He orders without stopping, carrying the booster seat as if it weighs less than a feather. To my surprise, my feet carry me forward without protest, holding Willow to mesecurely. He stops at the SUV, and deftly clips in the booster seat, turning to look at me, waiting for me to hand Willow over.
I shake my head. There’s no way I’m giving her to him again. My head is still spinning with the knowledge Ky’s alive and in front of me.
I’m deliriously happy, but also conflicted.
What does this mean now for me and Willow? No, I can’t think about that now.
I step up to the car and gently place my child in the seat, aware that Ky is standing off to the side, and watching my every move. My hands were shaking, and I take double the time it usually takes but I finally get her clipped in, shutting the door quietly so I don’t wake her up.
Before leaving, I walk over to the MC member-turned-mechanic, who Ky had said was named Angel. Another really good-looking guy, with long dark hair and piercing eyes.
“Thank you for this,” I call out to him, handing him my contact details. “Let me know how much it’s going to cost me before you do any work.”
He looks at me as if I’d lost my marbles. “I was told that I was to do the work no matter the cost, as the club will cover it.”
“Well, you’ve been told wrong,” I reply tightly. Walking back to the SUV.
The sound of motorcycle engines revving makes me swivel my head and glance over my shoulder, the guy who brought the SUV and Ink were leaving, with the tow truck driver having attached my car also right behind them.
“You’re driving?” I ask, shock written on my face.What is wrong with you? You can hardly string two sentences together.
Ky arches a brow. “Who else would be? There’s no way I was going to let Ink do it?” He drawls, before hefting himself into the driver’s seat. “Come on, I’ll take you to work.”
“Willow has day care.” I reply unnecessarily, drawing his attention again to my little girl. He tips his chin, telling me he heard, and within minutes, we’re out the front of the daycare center, the teacher’s aid coming out to help with Willow, who has woken up, her eyes wide in wonderment, staring at Ky.
The teacher's aide, a woman older than my twenty-six years, turns into a giggling schoolgirl when she sees Ky, blushing profusely as he gives her his well-known grin.
Getting back in the car, I open my mouth to give him the address to my clinic when suddenly he turns into the strip mall where it’s located, parking the SUV in the space right in front of the gym. A sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.
“How did you know where I work?” I ask softly, making no move to get out of the car.
“Because the gym is mine, and I’ve seen you coming and going every day for the last few weeks.” He admits, as if it’s the most normal thing to say.
So that’s why he didn’t seem to be surprised when he saw me. He knew I was here, and didn’t bother to make himself known. I shake my head, sliding out of the car when I hear the soft click of his door closing. Disappointment overwhelms me, and I just want to curl up somewhere I won’t be seen and have a good cry.