Page 2 of A Cowboy Christmas
Pasting a smile on my face, I try again. I’m sure Booker has no clue who I am, and that's probably a good thing at this point.
“I’m Sabrina. I’ll be taking care of you.”
Chapter Two
She fidgets with the little notepad in her hand as she digs in her dirty apron for a pen. While I wait, I think about what she’s said and all the ways I’d let her take care of me. Then my eyes linger on the button stretched tight at her heavy tits, and I have to spread my knees a little wider. My jeans are suddenly way too tight, and the feel of my zipper digging into my hard cock is uncomfortable.
“Here, use this.” I say it like an order as I slide my pen across the table.
She doesn’t hesitate to take it, and I like how she obeys. “Thank you, I don’t know what happened to mine.” She clears her throat and starts again. “Like I said, I’m Sabrina and I’ll be taking care of you.”
God, do I like hearing her say she’ll take care of me. Images of her ass in the air while I stuff her full from behind flash in my mind like a wish list.
“I know who you are.” My voice is deep like I haven’t used it in a while, but really, it’s because I’m so fucking horny all I want to do is put my dick in her and grunt.
“Oh.” Her cheeks color, and the blush is so pretty, I wonder if it matches her nipples. She bites her bottom lip as she looks around the diner, and I know what she’s thinking.
This town hates her, so if I know her then I probably hate her too. Her name alone gets people in a twist, and then they start popping off at the mouth. Mittenville is a smaller town, so gossip spreads like wildfire. Sabrina Anise happens to be saddled with the last name of the town swindler because she’s his daughter. Most folks don’t remember she was a child when her father was taking money out of their pockets and using it for his own gain. All they see is the grown woman who’s come back to town. And grown she is.
Her titties are heavy like they were made for a man to hold, and the way her hips flare out means she’d be easy to breed. Yeah, she came back a woman, and I haven’t been able to stop myself from taking notice.
“Would you like to hear the specials?”
I nod because all I want to do is hear her talk. I don’t care if it’s the specials of the day in this shitty diner or if she’s reading a tractor manual. I just want to hear her voice all the fucking time.
“We’ve got country fried steak and gravy with mashed potatoes and it comes with a side. There’s also fried chicken. No wait, that was yesterday.”
She flips through her little notepad, and then her tongue comes out to sweep over her bottom lip. I have to fight back a groan when I see that full lip glistening like a tease.
“Sorry, it’s meatloaf.” She finally looks up at me again, and I see her dark brown eyes fill with worry like she’s made a mistake.
“What kind of treat you got for me?” I ask, and then those pretty round cheeks color again.
Fuck, I’m getting too turned on. I need to go to the bathroom and jerk off or something.
“Treat?” She licks her lips again like she wants me to put my cock in her mouth. “Oh, the special dessert today is cinnamon rolls. Joy put extra green and red sprinkles on them.”
Her smile seems genuine, and I wonder how I can make her smile like that for me.
“Let me start with a coffee and think about it,” I tell her as I set down the greasy menu on the table.
“Would you like to cream?” She goes to write it down on her pad but then stops, and her eyes widen. “I mean, would you like cream? With your coffee. Do you want cream with your coffee?”
I want nothing more than to cream into my fist right this second, but it’s not exactly the polite thing to do in public. Better yet, I’d like to get into one of her warm little holes and cream there.
“Yeah, I like cream,” I say and drag my eyes to her tits. “I like it sweet too.” Just thinking about her tits leaking has my cock throbbing with need.
“I’ll be right back.”
She turns around too fast and almost falls into the table beside us. She manages to right herself and mumble an apology as she wiggles her big round ass to the back of the diner. Yeah, I watch it bounce the whole way and imagine how it would feel going up and down my dick.
“Don’t know how that rich snot can show her face in here,” Samuel Till grumbles from the next table over. “She’s working in a diner like her father didn’t steal half the money in the town.”
I don’t bother trying to correct him. To everyone in town, Sabrina is the enemy because of what she represents. It doesn’t help that she came back to town and is living with her grandfather in the big house on the hill.
What most of the people here don’t know is what really happened with her family. When I came to Mittenville, she was off in Europe at a boarding school, and the deeds of her father had rocked this little town.