Page 43 of Holiday Home 4
“I figured my girlfriend would want me to ‘churn her insides’ on Valentine’s Day. I’m wrong about that?”
Mid-lick, Avril’s tongue—her whole body, save for a single eyebrow—paused. That eyebrow arched, then held there.
“Girlfriend? I think you’re mixing me up with someone else. I thoughtshewas your girlfriend.”
Liam held her gaze and asked, “Well, then what are we?”
Another part of Avril came free. Her smile could have rejuvenated a man on the brink of death. It wasn’t teasing, it wasn’t playful, it was just pure, undiluted radiance.
“You’ve become so, so conniving. I remember when I had to pave the path for all our conversations. And now look at you!”
“I want an answer,” Liam said firmly. “We can talk about it first, obviously.”
“What’s to talk about?” Avril said lightly, night to his day. “I’m your big sis. And your talented, beautiful teacher, who needs to be the angel on your shoulder so very often.”
The devil, you mean,Liam thought.
“The giver of gifts, the granter of vacations,” Avril continued, counting off on each finger. “The Sultan of Swat, the King of Crash, the Colossus of Clout.”
Liam’s brow creased. “Yeah?”
Anna’s expression immediately transformed into a dull stare. “You’re killin’ me, Liam.”
She paused, obviously waiting for him to make some sort of connection. When he didn’t, Avril hurled her hands into the air and scoffed loudly.
“Come on!” she griped. “Those are iconic lines, Liam! FromThe Sandlot!Please tell me you’ve seen it.”
“I’ve heard of it.”
“Ugh,” Avril groaned. “I don’t think I’ve ever been more disappointed in you than right now.”
“Harsh,” he replied. “I’ve seenField of Dreams,at least.”
“If you hadn’t, I’d have to dump you on the spot.”
“So, wearedating?”
“Duh,” Avril snorted, rolling her eyes. “Even if you’ve just gut-punched me over your lack of culture, I still like you… well enough.”
“Sweeping me off my feet with such a compliment,” he said drolly, and Avril turned groan into grin.
“The best someone who hasn’t seenThe Sandlotis gonna get from me, frankly. At least I know now that you need to watch it on our flight. No joining the Mile High Club until you do. That’s for meorTess, in case you’re wondering.”
Liam opened his mouth to say something, then let the words die on his lips. That, of course, was because he hadn’t yet really thought about the plane ride itself. How far was the trip to Fiji? Eight hours? Ten? How would he spend that time?
Apparently, some of it was now called for, as it’d just been decided that he needed to watch a thirty-year-old baseball during the trip. But the other many, many hours?
“Would you like a napkin for your drool, sir?” a husky voice called from the other side of the counter.
Snapping himself back to the present, Liam found Avril smirking at him. He blushed and grunted that he didn’t. Which did little to curtail her amusement.
“You’re still so innocent,” Avril said, leaning her arms on the counter, then her chin on her arms. “It’s like you’re frolicking in this beautiful, peaceful meadow, unaware of how much-depraved sex is happening just over the nearby hill.”
“Seeing as how I’m involved in that depraved sex, I don’t agree.”
“But you weren’t thinking about fucking me and Tess on the plane, way, way up in the clouds?” she pressed, already knowing the answer.
“It’s still a month and a half out,” he said.