Page 65 of Holiday Home 4
“Normally, I like to start on my stomach, where you could work on my back and shoulders. But for this, let’s start from the top—my neck—then work all the way down. I remember this stuff pretty well, so we’ll go step by step.”
“Okay,” Liam said, struggling to keep his eyes from wandering lower than her face and neck. Ample, indeed.
“You’ll be using alotof oil, so don’t worry about using too much. The towels are here for a reason; things will get messy.” She grinned. “Slippery.”
Nodding, Liam set the massage oil on the bed’s nightstand. It had a typical pump top, and he added a plentiful amount to his palm at Tess's instruction.
“Now, spread it well on your hands and fingers. It’ll help warm things up. You can do it over my body; it’ll be fine if someoil falls onto me. Better than on my flooring. I forgot to put towels around the bed for you to stand on.”
Moving in close, hands hovering above Tess’s sublime body, Liam obeyed every morsel of advice she provided. After he finished warming the oil and his, he spent a little longer than was necessary admiring the ridiculously voluptuous woman who was waiting for him to touch every part of her. She allowed him to do so, and once his thirst was slaked, Tess offered him a few suggestions of how to begin.
Starting gently, he placed his hands near the base of her neck. At her beckoning, he used long, gentle strokes to spread the oil over it and her shoulders—Swedish strokes, as they were known. Part of it revolved around keeping his fingers straight and together, not bending them in too much or separating them in a way that might feel unpleasant.
“With every finger but your thumb, you can eventually start to give my neck more pressure, especially higher up,” Tess explained. “You can find the tension, then loosen the muscles—and it’s a good idea for me to lift my head a little for that. When you want to use your thumbs, you can make long, circular motions starting at my neck, then work down to my shoulders.”
He’d traded one gorgeous teacher for another. It’d certainly been a productive day, on numerous fronts. Of the two, he preferred this lesson a little more; he certainly didn’t have to worry about losing quite as much as he had earlier. He also had a more tangible reward to look forward to, and far sooner.
“Good,” Tess murmured, shutting her eyes as she talked him through things. Eventually, she had him bring his hands down to her collarbone and chest. There, his whole hands got involved, kneading the area above her breasts with more circular motions. At Tess’s quick advice, he avoided massaging her collarbone itself, or any bones going forward, places where it’d obviously feel uncomfortable, not pleasant. He ventured back toher neck a few times, with her offering different ways for him to relieve its tension, including how to glide two fingers down the side of her neck after she turned her head to one side.
“Are your fingers feeling alright?” she asked around when he’d gotten about all the advice—the first time receiving it, at least—she had to share about massaging the neck, shoulders, and upper chest area.
“Yeah, they’re fine,” he said, working the gaps above her collarbone.
“And you’re not starting to get bored?”
“No, not even a little,” he answered truthfully. He glanced down at the rest of her body, which wasn’t yet glistening with massage oil. He really didn’t want to stop, but maybe he wasn’t doing as well as he’d been thinking.
Tess sighed, though it sounded joyful, not disappointed. “It’s so wonderful to have someone like you around, Liam. You have no idea how rare you are.”
“Would you explain that to me?” he asked, delighted by the compliment but still confused.
Opening her eyes, she made a face. “‘My fingers are getting tired,’ ‘it’s been twenty minutes, can we move on to having sex?’ You have no idea how often women are used to hearing those sentences. At least one is a little more forgivable than the other, especially if the masseuse is inexperienced. But I suppose you’re already used to using your hands a lot. However, if theydoget tired, don’t feel ashamed to bring it up. This is your first time giving a real massage.”
“I’ll let you know,” he promised.
“More oil would be nice, and then you can move to my arms—and then my breasts afterward. But first…” Curling in her finger, she led him to bring his mouth down to hers. Kissing her upside down, their lips remained locked, and his fingers understandably lost a bit of their rhythm.
And then more oil, more teaching, more practice on ramping up the pressure and hitting the right spots—and then he could move to one of the spots he’dreallywanted to ensure he got to.
“I have a feeling you’re going to excel at this part,” Tess said, staring up at him with a knowing look.
“I’ve got a little more practice here than I do with the other places,” he agreed, grinning excitably.
“Well, I’ll let the expert show off his skills, then,” Tess said. “But also, I have a little more good news for you. Coconut oil is safe for consumption.”
The second she enunciated that final word, Liam’s gaze snapped to the large breasts waiting for his touch. Ones that would soon glisten. The oil’s scent was already all over the room, so what was a taste or two? Tess hadn’t brought up that fact for no reason.
Heaping more oil onto his hands, he started above her breasts. Working his hands as he’d been instructed, he saw Tess smile and close her eyes again. His fingertips, kept spread straight, pressed into her skin, then met her breasts. He retreated his hands, then sent them a little farther forward on their next approach, like a surf slowly creeping farther and farther up a beach.
Slowly, steadily, he spread the strongly smelling oil across her gorgeous breasts. Their softness, how they so easily absorbed his touch, made him yearn to speed up. Something about them made him want to turn off his brain, lose concentration, and turn primal. Fortunately, he had the experience needed to abstain from that poor choice. He kept at his massage, working with technique and patience to keep Tess’s smile around indefinitely.
Her smile seemed to welcome him to explore as much as he wanted, a right only he possessed. He seized full advantage ofTess’s quiet bliss, and after covering her breasts in oil, he started to rely more on the type of tactics that he knew would make it more difficult for her to stay mute.
Running his fingers down the outsides of her breasts, then gently sweeping them underneath, he listened to Tess’s breathing as it spiked in speed and volume. Sloping his hands back and forth for a few more circuits, his fingertips shifted toward her soaked areolae, where two stiffened points presided at the top of each large mound.
Taking his sweet, sweet time, now not the only one possibly fighting a battle with their own impatience, he alternated how much pressure he provided, usually working up the scale from gentle to moderately intense, then back down. Not one area of Tess’s breasts went untouched, and eventually, he couldn’t resist bringing his fingers together around her slippery nipples.
His fingers? His mouth, too.