Page 74 of Holiday Home 4
“That’s just a list,” he remarked, which kept Avril grinning as she escaped her shoes, socks, and shorts. With nothing left to separate them once he brought his cock out, he used Avril as a practice run for the goal he’d set for himself and Tess.
The muscles he’d developed over the past few months proved up to the task, at least initially. The voluptuous, beautiful Avril Knight left her feet. He took care to line things up nicely, their eyes meeting once he had.
“Fuck me good, Liam. Let your naughty Big Sis feel every strong, hard pump.”
Once he buried himself in her, they shared a moment of bliss, kissing deeply as it smothered them. With strong, languid thrusts, he stretched Avril’s tight cunt. She purred happily, wrapping her legs around his waist. He felt her calves flex, press into his lower back. She felt his hands dig into her phenomenal ass, the cool glass against her warm back, the large cock diving into her with each thrust.
Pleasure spilled through his body, and a vivacious redhead seized the opportunity to claim control. Thrusting her tongue into his mouth, Avril ran her nails over his shoulder, then squeezed. Urging him voicelessly: faster, harder, more.
He could only oblige, body crackling with desire. Pure electricity spun itself through his veins, building, building, building. Ecstasy was on its way for them both. The glass behind Avril whined as their pace increased.
“Don’t, ah, worry,” she said. “It’s thick glass. It can take it.”
“Has it ever takenthisbefore?”
Avril shrugged. “Not with me, anyway. You’re the first. Congrats.”
Liam beamed at her, affection momentarily overwhelming his lust. But only for a moment. Once he was done staring lovingly into her eyes, he kissed her neck, eliciting even louder moans oncehestarted biting and sucking. She’d definitely need to wear a turtleneck or scarf tomorrow. But maybe not. By this point, would Anna really be shocked and appalled if she saw a hickey or two on her roommate’s neck?
That thought caused him to spend a little more time than he might have sucking on Avril’s neck. Based on her euphoric hisses and the way her legs tightened around him, she appreciated it plenty.
And he appreciated his muscles and stamina for allowing him to achieve his goal. The emotional payoff of knowing he could keep Avril in the air for at least one full round nearly equaled the physical. Almost. It still ebbed slightly behind, for his body reveled in the growing coursing through it.
“Keep going, Liam,” Avril moaned, beaming as she experienced the same. “I’m almost there. A little more, baby.”
Her urging absolved him of the fatigue he was beginning to accrue. It broke away like a shelf of ice falling away from a glacier.
“Fuck, Avril, I couldn’t stop if I wanted to,” he promised.
“Good. Good! Ah, fuck!” She dug her nails into his shoulder, gripping him in every way she could. Her fluttering eyelashes preempted the rapid, slight convulsions of her pussy. His cock felt that resistance and, yearning to deliver its gift deep inside of her, refused to slow or speed up the pace. A lesson he’d learned months ago: find the right pace, then stick to it. Her blissful moans promoted the correctness of his choice. At the same time, the dizzying pleasure he felt was too good, too much. Avril’s moans were too much.
“Yesss!” she cried climactically, and they’d better hope no one was walking the upper decks nearby or checking the seats beneath them.
Soon afterward, he erupted deep inside of her, swept away by the euphoria shearing through him. It was an endless experience, and he knew Avril would try to one-up their shared experience next time. He loved her for it, for that unerring determination to keep things exciting and fresh. With any luck, and he felt like he needed less by the day, she felt the same about him.
Conjoined, sharing the fruit of his efforts, they breathed heavily. Liam’s muscles wobbled dangerously, and he needed to rely on the thick glass—glass that seriously needed wiping down before they left, or the next person here would find the sweaty imprint of Avril’s back against it—to keep them both standing. It was enough.
“Carry me to the bathroom?” Avril asked once they’d reclaimed their breath. “I have a feeling that alotis going to pour out of me once you take your cock out.”
Glancing at the carpet, Liam understood why. After recuperating a little longer, he did so. And she was right. Fortunately, the suite had a closet full of cleaning supplies, which they used to cover up their lascivious activities against the window. And the ones that took place in the bathroom, which was where he spun her around and fucked her from behind. And out on the balcony, where she needed to keep herself hunched down while she rode him on one of the seats, doubly kissed by her lips and the wind. Most likely, no one saw them.
Most likely.
Chapter Thirty
Gathering Knights
Including covering their tracks, then just relaxing in some incredibly comfortable seats, they spent almost two full hours in the owner’s box. Two full hours, in which someone could have happened upon them inside the suite, found Liam buried to the hilt inside of Avril Knight, her body shivering with pleasure.
Two minutes was what they had left to spare.
Because upon finally recuperating enough and deciding to depart, they bumped intotwomembers of Avril’s family just fifty steps out from completing their journey to the owner’s box. And that probably would not have helped Liam to make a good impression on one of them. With the other, he’d been doomedfrom the start. After all, the man’s younger sister had gotten her grandpa to giveherthe family’s spare private jet.
Clearly, based on the sound of his voice as it echoed toward him and Avril, full of complaints and attempts to change Rory Knight’s mind, he remained unenthusiastic about the apparent favoritism that Avril had received.
They shared a look. Avril smirked, winked, and motioned for him to head toward the voices, not away from them. After fucking her three times in the family suite, it was apparently time for him to meet her brother and her grandfather.
Casey Knight was just about everything Liam might have expected, based on the descriptions of his personality that he’d been given. He was tall and lanky, had a few tattoos visible on his forearms, and messy red hair. His face was pinched with displeasure as his grandfather staved off his complaints, refusing to budge on who got to use the second private jet. Beside him, Avril smiled.