Page 81 of Holiday Home 4
“I suppose it is,” Victoria said. “We’ll just have to survive a little longer.”
Liam nodded. He knew very well that the gift he’d receive later tonight would manage to tide him over for that week yet also increase his impatience for next Sunday. Eight days remained until then, and then an unparalleled paradise, a week unmatchable in his entire life, would surely follow.
But he had some more paradise to obtain while still in the States.
He received it precisely one minute before midnight, which caused Liam to wonder if Victoria was slightly crueler than he’d believed. Even though he’d spent his evening with Tess and could never complain about that, he found himself checking his phone regularly. Each time, the lack of an attached picture from Victoria Moreno prickled him with distress, as if he’d just realized he was sitting on something hard and sharp. He must have physically fidgeted enough for it to attract notice, for Tess eventually asked him if something was wrong.
“Just a little antsy,” he said, knowing it was safe to reveal the truth. “I won a match against Victoria earlier, so I’m expecting another picture.”
“You won a match against her?” the gorgeous brunette professor said. “So soon, too. How much time have you been putting into chess?”
“A couple hours a day, maybe?” he said, though that might be underselling things. Grant and his other friends back at Perrymont had made joke after joke about him spending more time on his phone watching chess videos and playing online than a sex addict would on porn sites. Of course, if they’d knownwhyhe’d suddenly become so invested in the game, he doubted they would have done anything other than nod in agreement.
“That’s a lot of chess,” Tess remarked.
“You and Victoria are both really good at chess. If I’m going to beat you anytime soon, then I’ve got to put the work in.”
Smiling, Tess leaned into him and kissed his cheek. “Well, just don’t get burned out. However, if Victoria’s also rewarding you when you win against her, which I believe you’ve just said she is, that might not be an issue. The thrill of victory, pictures,anda chance at anything you want from me? Worth more than prize money, isn’t it?”
“The only tournament I’m interested in would only have three players participating,” he agreed. Appreciating his enthusiasm, Tess helped distract him from the lack of a nearly nude professor on his phone for almost half an hour. Nothing too exciting, at least not compared to what he and Avril had done earlier in the day, but more than sufficient in bringing his focus back tothishouse.
Humorously, he was playing an online chess match when Victoria finally sent over the picture. Beside him, Tess slept soundly, having kissed him goodnight a while ago. Still too charged with the hope that he was right about receiving his reward tonight, Liam had sought any way to distract himself from counting the seconds.
When it arrived, he was closing in his sixth win in a row, a nice little streak to cap off the day. He’d never given up in a match—of anything—so quickly, leaving the app mere milliseconds after he saw her message pop up.
She’d really made him wait until the last possible minute.
But of course, she could have asked him one simple question had he complained. Was it worth the wait?
For this one, she wasn’t lying down. The image contained the sight of Victoria Moreno’s incredible body, cutting off right as it reached her neck. He saw a little of her hip and the jeans that clung tightly to them. Thesameones she’d been wearing when he was over at her house a little while ago.
Her dangerous curves, olive skin, the unmistakable work Victoria put in to keep her figure so stunning, he noticed all those things. He didn’t focus on them, however. Not initially, at least. He couldn’t. The choice she’d made didn’t allow it.
With her right forearm, she covered the same breast. The only thing covering her left was the hand of the same arm.Technically, she’d refused his request. He’d asked her to move her arm a little lower. Instead, she’d made her slight adjustment by movingup.
He could see the beginnings of her left breast’s areola underneath her pinky. It was slightly darker than her skin, taunting him that there was more to see. Therewasmore to see. Victoria had chosen to grant him that gift.
Her fingertips covered only a small part of her breast, which looked so full and heavy, so in need of attention—a massage or two, at least. He’d been learning from Tess when he was here and squeezed a few videos and articles about them into his already busy schedule. He’d find a way to get in a bit more practice, a bit more knowledge, before the trip to Fiji. He needed to be ready when—not if, but when—his dream of putting his hands on Victoria’s enormous tits came true.
Her fingertips didnotcover all of her nipple, however. A slight gap between her ring and pinky fingers allowed him to peek through and spot another form of paradise. One that set his mouth to desert settings, parching him with just that tiny peek. An intentional one. Absolutely intentionally. He’d never been so thirsty in his life.
His cock woke up immediately, growing rigid in nearly record time. All of him did. He’d been trying to distract himself from worrying moments ago. Now, he couldn’t even fathom what would be able to put him asleep, barring a face mask and a heap of sedative gases flowing into his lungs.
Satisfactory?Victoria’s message asked.
I would have given it six points,he replied, more than ready to heap on the praise. Fuck, he couldn’t help but imagine what she’d been thinking when she’d taken this picture, if she’d tried out a few, then ultimately selected this one from the lot. If she’d been hoping he’d notice and reply to this one quicker than he had the previous one.
High praise.
I’m just being honest,Liam typed out.You look so stunning.
My breasts look stunning, you mean. I’m not in this picture.
Aren’t your breasts, torso, and arms part of you?he asked.