Page 45 of A King So Savage
He laughed at that and it was as cruel as his words.
“Idon’tcare, lamb. This isn’t a goddamn fairytale, and I’m not the hero in the story. In fact, I’m more of a villain than you can possibly imagine. But make no mistake; youaremine until I recover my money, and like it or not, your value is based on your purity. And my owndearbrother would happily fuck you, destroy you, and delight in my losses.” Kingston cupped Ava’s chin in the palm of his hand, forcing her to meet his gaze when she would have jerked free. “He’ll dance on my grave given the first opportunity.”
“Then you probably need to stop assaulting me, Kingston Winter. I’ve had your fingers inside me, your—” she hesitated before saying the word with an enchanting blush— “cock in my mouth, and your tongue between my legs.” Her eyes flashed with a bold, green fire. “How long will I keep my innocence if you continue doing these things?”
Something akin to insanity overtook Kingston with her accusation. His mouth actually watered as he remembered the sweetness of her taste. And his cock hardened almost painfully as he recalled erupting down her throat and the exquisitely helpless way she choked on him while he thrust with ruthless intent.
“Assault?” His eyebrows raised.
A furious cry hung up in Ava’s throat. “My body may not realize it, but it does not change what you’ve done to an unwilling woman.”
“Unwilling?” Kingston grinned as he repeated the word. “Right.”
Ava stomped her foot. “You coaxed arousal from me. It’s not unusual for a woman to respond in such a manner, even if realistically she’s aware of the danger. You forced my body to accept these things.”
“You drenched my fingers. Flooded my mouth with your sweetness.” Kingston’s head tilted. “Maybe you’d like another go ‘round. Is that it, Ava?”
Her gaze fell to his mouth, and Kingston wondered if she even realized she licked her lips while staring at his.
“I-I just want you to be honest with me,” she finally managed.
Kingston brushed her mouth with his, delighting in its softness and the little gasp she couldn’t quite conceal.
“All right,” he said. “I honestly want to kiss you.”
Her eyes became hazy. “You do whatever you want. Whenever you want. You’re king here. So, what’s stopping you now?”
He gently nibbled the corner of her lush mouth and curled his fingers around her throat, holding her in place. “Because I want to fuck you, too,” was his icy cold reply. “And that would only complicate matters by costing me money.”
Ava tugged at his hand with a cry, pushing him back when his fingers loosened. Dismay stretched her mouth tight. “Stop reminding me that I’m nothing but a commodity.”
Kingston let her slip past him and make her way to the bedroom suite’s entrance. It was best he let her go at that moment. His body was irrationally demanding he throw her onto that king-sized bed. Reacquaint his mouth with her pussy. His fingers with her silky wetness.
Bad idea. Bad, bad idea.
Kingston hardened his heart, ignoring the pounding insistence in his brain that he do exactly what he wanted with her.
“Come with me if you wish to see the other areas in the house you may make use of.” He took her by the elbow and led her out into the corridor. “And remember, lock that door whenever you are inside this room.”
Ava peered up at him, her eyes flashing with a defiance Kingston longed to explore and crush. “Should I barricade it even against you?”
“No.” Kingston’s grip tightened, his mouth quirking with reluctant appreciation for her foolish feistiness. “Don’t you fucking try it, either. My tolerance for that type of insubordination is non-existent. I’ll spank you until your ass is red and you won’t sit for a week.”
“Barbarian,” she muttered under her breath.
Kingston let her comment slide. Taking her downstairs, he made sure she knew the route with its twists and turns before showing her the kitchens and a bright sunroom overlooking the west side of the mansion. Next was a huge, den-like sitting room filled with leather couches, overstuffed chairs, and a large fireplace. Kingston noticed how her toes curled into the expensive wool rug in the sitting room, seeking some warmth. He must provide her shoes now that she understood the consequences of running away.
Occasionally, they came across Kingston’s men. They appeared indolent, but each man was responsible for keeping the estate secure and protected. Those duties were taken very seriously. With the amount of money paid for their services, a level of loyalty was expected and demanded. Failure to live up to Kingston’s exacting rules and expectations meant swift consequences.
The men simply nodded as Kingston and Ava passed. They’d already been apprised of Ava’s limited freedom and what was expected of them. Their demeanor was respect mixed with a healthy bit of fear should anything disappoint their boss.
Kingston purposefully avoided both the conference room and his office. Along with his own personal suite of rooms, those areas were off-limits unless he decided to take Ava there himself.
When they finally entered the last room of the mansion she was allowed to use, Jack had caught up with them.
“I’m leaving you here now,” Kingston said as Ava trail her fingertips over the spines of the numerous books lining the library’s shelves. “Jack will look after you while I take care of this meeting with your brother.”
Ava cast a questioning glare over her shoulder. “I thought you needed proof of life? Carson will want to see I’m still in one piece. Relatively speaking.”