Page 49 of A King So Savage
Ava’s lips tightened. This small kindness was unexpected. “Oh. I did not know. Thank you.”
Kingston nodded in acknowledgment, his thumbs rubbing the skin of her elbows in a stroking motion.
“Is there a reason for coming to find me?” Ava bit out. If only she had the strength to yank free of him. To place some distance between herself and this unhealthy attraction. “What do you want?”
Kingston smiled. “Loaded question.”
It was not lost on Ava that his response mirrored Oliver’s from just a few hours before. Had Kingston overheard their conversation? Had he listened with the help of the sophisticated network of cameras hidden in every corner of this mansion?
Releasing one of her elbows, Kingston’s hand raised until his palm cupped her chin. He held it firmly before his fingers trailed down, his thumb settling in the hollow of her throat. He stroked softly, and his gentleness frightened Ava more than she cared to admit. He gripped her often in this manner with his fingers around her throat. She wondered if it was a compulsion with just her or if this was something ingrained in his psyche. Something he did with all his women.
“Come with me to my office.”
Ava quivered. “Why?” Only bad things happened in his office and that awful conference room.
“Because I said so.”
“If I say no?”
A sadistic chuckle escaped Kingston’s throat. “You do make it hard to resist punishing you. Are you that desperate for what I’d do with you?”
Ava ignored the question and countered with one of her own. “Do you punish all of your women?”
Kingston’s fingers tightened over her pulse. “Only the ones who deserve it. And you, wicked lamb, definitely deserve it.”
“Is that what you want to do with me in your office? Punish me for defying you?”
“More than that. What I want invades my thoughts constantly.” His voice lowered an octave, his eyes glittering like a thousand star-strung galaxies of dark indigo. He leaned closer, his cologne tantalizing her nostrils. “I want to make you cry, little lamb. Scream. Beg. Until every cry and whimper you make is embedded in my brain. I want to pin you over my knee and turn the creamy flesh of your ass pink with the palm of my hand. I want to whip you—for having a smart mouth and the stupidity to not keep it shut. I want to bury my cock so far down your throat that you gag on me. And I want to fuck you until you are nothing but a goddamn, defeated mess of lust and need.” There was no remorse in his voice when he finished with, “I want to see you suffering like I am suffering.”
Ava’s knees nearly buckled beneath his filthy, incinerating words and her own terror.
Then Kingston laughed beneath his breath. “But I’ll settle for a video of you holding up today’s newspaper. Something I can send to your brother. Proof of life, remember? For what it’s worth anyway… considering the circumstances.”
* * *
Kingston wavedJack away as they exited the cell.
“Please have all of Miss Blue’s books and other favored items moved to her new accommodations, Jack.”
“Sure thing, boss.”
Eyes crinkling, he added, “And you are dismissed for the rest of the day. Paulie can take over this evening.”
“Got it.” Jack nodded, then inclined his head toward Ava. “Miss Blue.”
Ava’s brow creased slightly, unsure if she should actually thank the man for serving as her babysitter all morning. “Thank you, Jack.” She watched as he moved down the corridor in the opposite direction and wondered where the other exits were located in this twisted network below ground.
Kingston pulled her along until they were ascending the stairs with her being pushed ahead of him.
“Do you like Jack?” His voice was a low murmur in her ear as they reached the door leading to the main house. He didn’t open it right away, just pushed closer until she was trapped against it with nowhere to go.
“What do you mean?” Ava took a steadying breath, fighting hard to ignore his warm breath on the back of her neck.
“You know exactly what I mean, Ava. He’s good-looking. Big. Strong. Maybe you think he can help you escape. Once you make him fall in love with you, of course, with all those breathy little sighs and the shy way you look at him.”
Ava’s lips tightened. “You’re crazy. I don’t want him. Or anyone else in this house. I just want to go home…”
Kingston chuckled darkly. “Back to your sweet, boring boyfriend? The one who hasn’t dared pushed his fingers into your pussy? The one who hasn’t demanded a blowjob from you?”