Page 29 of King
Both operatives frowned at me, but neither argued since this was my op. Olsen made the call, and I sent word to Centurion through an untraceable cell to pull surveillance and get his ass back to the safe house.
Staring hard at Olson, I asked, “Do we have any other assets in Zürich?” There were two. I was testing him.
“Ja. One withKantonspolizei,and the other is a banking clerk.”
It was a good sign that Olson had been honest. It gave credence to my suspicions that he wasn’t our man.
Grabbing paper and pen, I wrote down an address and passed it to Daniel. “Get word to the banking employee to meet me there in an hour.”
“What’s—” Daniel began to ask, but I interrupted him while putting on my jacket to conceal my firearm.
“Just do it. And don’t leave this place until I get back.”
I didn’t wait for them to argue before stalking out the door. It was twilight, and the farmhouse was on a hill, so the city lights sparkled below us, but I didn’t even notice as I yanked open the door to a nondescript sedan and slid into the driver’s seat.
It took twenty minutes to arrive at the bank—a different branch than the one our operative worked at. I slid into a parking spot, shut off the engine, and waited.
Less than five minutes later, the mission target walked out of the bank and hurried down the street. In another ten minutes, Gail came around the corner and glanced around before slipping into the building. It wasn’t long before she reemerged and wandered back around the corner, disappearing from view.
A few minutes before my scheduled meetup with the bank clerk, he walked out of the building and looked around before heading in the same direction I’d seen the target go.
I was about to start the car up again when a man strolling down the street caught my eye. He was wearing a cantonal police uniform, but it wasn’t the operative from my research.
What the fuck?It couldn’t be.
Then he veered over to my window and rapped one knuckle against it.“Sir, steigen Sie aus dem Auto,” he said, ordering me to exit the vehicle.
I rolled down the window and glared at him. “I’m not going to take orders from an off-duty cop,” I snapped.
He glared at me, then pulled out his weapon and pointed it at my forehead. “Rücken.”
Staring at the gun as if I was afraid, I swallowed hard and scooted over so he could get into the car.
“Going to fucking kill you, Wayfarer,” I grumbled when we were both inside.
“’Bout fucking time you got here, Guardian,” he snapped. Then he started the car and pulled out of the spot before giving me a concerned glance. “Stella?”
“Safe and sound at my club’s compound,” I assured him.
His shoulders slumped in relief. Then he was all business again. “I take it you’ve figured out this fucking mess?”
I nodded. “I don’t know how Gail kept her relationship with Müller a secret.”
“She wouldn’t have if her contact in DC hadn’t been covering for her.”
“And the clerk? He’s in on it?”
Joseph shook his head. “Idiot doesn’t even know he’s being played.”
“Gail is sleeping with him, too,” I surmised.
“Bitch gets around, that’s for sure.”
I felt another ping in my side and lifted my shirt to get to the communication device.
Burn notice issued. OIG. Identified, not contained.
“Holy shit,” I breathed. “The asshole is from the Office of the Inspector General.”