Page 111 of Coerced Queen
“Don’t worry, Mrs.De Luca.I won’t hesitate to come find you if I don’t manage.”
“Thank you.”My smile is grateful.“I’ll send up a waiter with some food.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that.”Rosemary points at the bag at her feet.“I already had dinner, and I always come prepared with snacks.Please don’t put yourself out on my behalf.I’m here so that you can enjoy your special evening.Don’t fret if the party runs later than planned.I’m happy to stay until whenever you need me.”
“That’s very kind of you, but I doubt I’ll even make it to midnight.”I laugh.“Claire is up at five every morning, so I tend to go to bed early.”
“It’s difficult in the beginning,” she says with compassion.“It will stabilize once she sleeps through the night.Just make sure she gets her three naps a day.Babies sleep better at night if they’re not overtired.Many parents I babysit for think their babies will wake up later if they put them to bed later, but it always backfires.”
“Call my number if you need anything,” Saverio says.“We’ll check in on her later again.”
Rosemary goes back to her reading while Saverio and I go to the nursery.Claire sleeps soundly in her crib, her little face turned to the side and her small hands next to her head.I dressed her in the pink pajamas with the white pelican print that Livy bought for her.Her long, copper lashes brush her cheeks, and her rosebud lips are parted slightly.The sound of her even breathing is soothing.It makes me want to curl up and cuddle next to her.
I brush a hand over her soft, downy hair.“She’s so beautiful.”
Saverio kisses my shoulder.“Just like her mother.”
I turn to face him.“Thank you for this.”I point in the direction of the room where Rosemary sits.“Not only for the party, but also for getting a nanny.You thought about everything, didn’t you?”Searching his eyes, I admit, “I’m still battling to get used to you without the eyepatch.”
“It’ll grow on you.”
“I don’t care either way.”I cup his scarred cheek.The damaged skin is bumpy under my palm.“You’re perfect to me with or without the patch.What matters is whatyouwant.”
“The only thing that matters to me,tesoro, is your opinion.”
I don’t know what to say.He’s never been so boldly honest with me.Neither has he said all these things that are so beautiful they hurt in the good kind of way that makes me want to cry.I want to ask what happened, what caused this sudden change, but he takes my hand and pulls me past Rosemary back to the festivities where I’m quickly swallowed by the mob.
Not being a fan of huge parties, I enjoy myself nevertheless because despite the big number of guests, the gathering is intimate.We know each other like only people who shared life and death situations can.There’s no room for pretense.There’s no need.It’s different than at Elena’s wedding where people were divided into sides.There’s no Raphael to create tension, only the shadow of his existence hanging over us, but for tonight, I push the thought away.For once, I want to have fun.Saverio and Nicole deserve nothing less for their trouble.
I finally manage to track Nicole down an hour later when I spot her talking to the mixologist.
“Make sure you stock up on ice,” she says when I reach them.“The guys are switching to brandy, and we don’t want to run out.Get word to one of the waiters if you’re running low, and he’ll send a fresh batch over from the kitchen.”
“The kind of brandy they’re having is the kind you drink neat,” the barman says.
She props a hand on her hip.“You don’t know these men like I do.They don’t give a shit about the brandy drinking protocol that’s dictated by the price of the bottle.Just get the ice.”
“Hey.”I touch her arm.“You’re working too hard.You’ve been running around all night.”
“Anya,” she beams, taking me into another big hug.“Are you having fun?”She pouts.“Please tell me you’re having fun.”
I pull away with a laugh.“Everything is perfect.Thank you for not only taking care of all the arrangements but also for keeping it a secret from me.Saverio told me this amazing evening is all your doing.”
“He’s paying, so thank him.”She grins.“I’m just a damn good event organizer.”
“There’s no arguing that.”I take her elbow and pull her away from the bar.“Now come join the fun.”
“Isn’t it obvious?”She makes a face.“Iamhaving fun.Bossing people around is my idea of enjoying an evening.”
“It’ll make me happy if you sit on your butt for a few seconds.Those heels are gorgeous, but they must be killing your feet.”
Logan heads toward us, cutting in with, “Saverio is looking for you, Anya.”He says to his wife, “The guys are ready to open the dance floor.”
“Not before we’ve served the cake,” she squeals, running past me in the direction of the kitchen.
Logan shrugs.“That’s my wife for you.She loves to run the show.”