Page 15 of Coerced Queen
I wince at the pain, which is my own fault.The morphine drip hangs on the IV stand next to my bed.All I have to do is push a button and call a nurse.All it will take is the prick of a needle.But I prefer it this way.I want to feel every fucking thing so that every second of the hell I’m living can remind me of what Morelli did.Because the more my body burns, the less I have to focus on emotions.It’s easier to ignore the thoughts tormenting me when I have to use every bit of my energy to survive the pain.When each breath I take is a fight for survival, I don’t have to think abouther.Yet I do.Fucking day and night.Even when there’s the business to run, a business that’s too damn fragile right now.
“What do you want me to do?”he asks.
“The families need to be compensated,” I say.
“Already done.Anya told me to use the cash in the safe.I reckoned it was a clever move.So far, the feds haven’t broken down the doors, but if they get another warrant to search After Dark, we don’t want a pile of money lying around.She told me to make sure everyone knows that you’ve taken the reins and that you’re not going to kick the bucket any time soon.”
My chest swells with that unfamiliar feeling of pride.Then again, I’m not surprised.I always knew she was a warrior.She knows how to keep a level head in the midst of a crisis.She can run the club and boss around my second-in-command when a grenade exploded in her face and she’s just had a baby because she’s had enough practice in saving herself and everyone else in her short but traumatic life.
Not trusting myself to speak, I only nod.
“The doctor is discharging her today,” he says.
There’s more to his words, but I choose to ignore the subtle meaning in his undertone.
He props his hands on his hips.“You need to see her, man.She’s your wife.”
I don’t tell him the stubborn woman sneaked in here.I’m too angry about the fact that he’s defending her.That’s my fucking job.
“I swear to God, Dante,” I bite out.“Stay out of it.Keep your mind and mouth off her.Don’t make me hit you in the face.”
“If punching me will get the shit you’ve got going on in your head off your chest, then go for it.”He steps closer, pointing a finger at me.“You married her.You have a responsibility toward her and her kid.”
“I don’t need you to remind me.”
“Then get your head out of your ass and do something about it.”
“I am, goddammit,” I say, slamming a fist on the bed.
I bite off the rest of the words I was about to hurl at him when everything inside me protests at the violent movement.
“What exactly are you doing?”he asks, challenging me.“Shunning her when she needs you the most?You didn’t see her face when I told her you didn’t want to see her.”
“Back the fuck down.I’m dealing with it.”
Standing his ground, he asks, “How?”
“I ordered new passports for her and Claire.New identities.”
He stares at me for a moment before asking with disbelief, “You want to send them away?”
As far away from here as possible.“Switzerland.”
He utters a laugh.“You’re joking, right?”
My expression says otherwise.
“You want to send her to a country where she knows no one and doesn’t speak the language all by herself with a newborn baby?”
“I can’t protect her here,” I say, the volume of my voice rising.“It’s not safe for her and Claire anywhere in New York.And I’m tied to this goddamn hospital bed for God only knows how long.And then after.Have you thought about after?How can I expect her to live with the pieces of me that survived?”
He regards me with a wry smile, shaking his head.“You’re a real piece of work.They’ll go after her no matter where you send her.You can’t hide her forever.And that, my friend, is your doing, so you better handle it.You made her a part of this life the day you fell in love with her.”
“I don’t love her,” I say with force, willing myself to believe it.
Something like disappointment flickers through his eyes.“Then it’s true what everyone says.You only married her because you wanted a child.”