Page 23 of Coerced Queen
“Don’t like it?Go home.Better yet, do as I tell you and stay there.”
She grabs her bag from the chair.“You need to retaliate.The men need to see that you’re doing something.”
“I will,” I say.“Once I get the fuck out of here.”
“That may be too late.The club is losing money.”She hesitates.“Too much money.”
“Let me worry about that.”
The almost inaudible breath she lets out sounds tired.“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Worry gnaws at me.I wish she’d listen.I wish I could fix this for her.Not being able to agitates me to no end.She’s wearing herself out running between the house and the hospital when she’s in recovery herself.She just had a baby, for God’s sake.
“I wish you wouldn’t,” I say honestly.
But she keeps on coming back, and my men keep on ignoring my order not to let her into this room.
She gives me a long look before shutting the door on my ugly words.
The countdown to Saverio’s discharge continues in a blur of activity that leaves me drained.I check in on Bertrand regularly.My mom never did return to the rehab center.I shouldn’t be surprised, but I thought my ultimatum would’ve served as a final wake-up call.I really believed she’d make an effort if she knew she had no other options left.I lie awake at night, worrying, but every morning when I call the hospitals, the homeless shelters, and—finally—the morgue, she’s not on their lists.
On a happier note, Claire comes home.The work in the house starts at the same time.When it’s noisy, I go for long walks in the park with bodyguards following.Livy is a huge help.I don’t know how I would’ve managed without her.She takes care of Claire when I visit Saverio and helps with the chores in the house.While I manage the books and take over the running of After Dark, she oversees the renovations.
It quickly becomes clear that we’re heading for bankruptcy.Only Dante knows the real extent of the trouble the business is in, but I’ve sworn him to silence.Not even Saverio is aware of the seriousness of the situation.He has enough on his plate with his healing progressing slowly and not without complications.
The bank manager receives me in his office and offers me tea and miniature cakes.Even though he treats me like royalty, he tells me politely but firmly that a loan is out of the question.There are too many uncalculated risks and too little I can offer as security.
Pushed into a corner, I don’t have a choice but to borrow money from a loan shark to pay our employees’ salaries.Knowing that the vultures are waiting, ready to take everything they can, I keep up the appearances.For anyone looking in, it seems as if we’re operating like normal.It’s like a poker game.Raphael took over Obsidian and a huge part of Luigi’s territory.The only reason he hasn’t struck again is because he’s not one hundred percent certain of his victory.
Dante spreads himself thin, trying to get in new business while recruiting informants to infiltrate Raphael’s organization.We’re managing the chaos after the attack as best as we can while surviving on too little sleep and too much worry.But that’s nothing compared to Saverio’s suffering.
The skin on his back is healing, and the slash on his arm has closed.The surgeon is happy with his kidney function.The one he retained compensates for the one he lost.The physiotherapy leaves him exhausted and frustrated.The pain in his knee bothers him even though he won’t admit it.I see how he flinches whenever he puts his weight on his leg.
The bandages on his face came off.The doctor discussed ocular prosthesis options with us.Saverio wore an artificial eye to help maintain the form and functionality of his eyelid while his socket healed.A temporary prosthetic eye was fitted a few days ago, but he refuses to let me look at him without his eyepatch in place.The production of the custom-made acrylic eye to match his healthy eye will start at his three-month post-op appointment.It won’t be ready until six weeks after that date.The doctor assured us his tear ducts and eyelid will function normally with the acrylic eye.
On the day he finally comes home, Livy and I cook a special meal of duck a l’orange, braised greens, and potato dumplings.When Dante helps Saverio from the backseat of the car, my husband stretches to his full height.He wears a dark suit and a waistcoat with a white shirt minus a tie, looking like the man I met in a dark street and somehow also different.He stays glued to the spot for a moment, staring at the ramp going up the side of the porch and the wheelchair waiting next to it.
I stand in the open door with Claire in my arms.I dressed her in a pretty pink dress with cute frilly socks.Livy put on her flapper dress.Having lost most of my pregnancy weight, I fit into my old clothes again.I chose a red, figure-hugging dress, knowing he likes the color.
Ignoring the wheelchair, Saverio takes a pair of crutches from the trunk and climbs the stairs to the porch.With every step he takes, he flinches.He tries to hide it, but by the time he reaches us, sweat runs down his temples.
I bite my tongue, refraining from chastising him.
He pauses in front of us, barely glancing at Claire or Livy.Instead, he fixes his gaze behind me.The set of his jaw turns hard when he takes in the new wheelchair elevator under the staircase.
Livy exchanges a look with me.
Dante hovers behind Saverio.When he reaches for Saverio’s arm, I shake my head.Saverio has to do this on his own.Our help won’t be welcome.Until he’s dealt with the trauma of everything he lost, he won’t be able to accept assistance from anyone, let alone ask for it.
He squeezes sideways past me into the house.I go on tiptoes to kiss him.Instead, my lips brush over his cheek when he turns his face away.As always, the rejection hurts, but I ignore it.This is bigger than me and my feelings.This is about Saverio coming home to finally face his demons.
Claire starts to fuss, reminding me it’s time to feed her.
I stare after Saverio as he hobbles down the hallway.He’s the same man, and he’s not.How can he be after what he went through?From up close, he looks more different than familiar.It’s not only the eyepatch and the map of angry, red scars that cuts from his eyebrow to his cheek.He seems more rugged, more dangerous.More volatile.