Page 8 of Coerced Queen
As far as the rest goes, both of us would’ve been better off if I were dead.
Ten little fingers and toes.
I count them again under the blanket that covers us, cradling the tiny bundle in the hospital nursery where we’re doing skin-to-skin bonding.The nurse calls it kangaroo care.
I pin my chin against my chest to stare at the perfect little baby in my arms.A downy layer of soft strawberry-blond hair covers her head.She’s the most beautiful and fragile small human I’ve seen.
“Hey there, Claire,” I croon.“You came into this world with a bang, didn’t you?”My heart constricts painfully just thinking about it.“You’re so well-loved, sweet darling.”I press a kiss on her crown.“Mommy will protect you, no matter what.”
I glance at the window where Dante waits on the other side.I had to dump the title of godfather on him before they’d let him into the special care nursery.He’s not as much here to welcome Claire into the world as to assess the weak points in the security system.Men are already stationed in the maternity unit as well as in the ICU.
When the nurse tells me it’s time to put Claire back in the incubator, I hold her against me for another moment before I let her go.Dante turns his back to the window while I button up my pajama top.
A nurse wheels me outside.
“I’ve got her from here,” Dante says, taking the wheelchair.
I twist my neck to look at my baby as he pushes me to the elevators, unwilling to say goodbye to her already.
“She’s gorgeous,” he says.“So tiny.I didn’t know babies are that fucki—” He coughs.“Sorry.That small.”
“Just say it, Dante.You can swear in front of me.Saverio only asked you not to because babies can discern voices in the womb.”
He pushes the button to call the elevator.“They can?”
“They can hear sounds like the mother’s heartbeat from as early as sixteen weeks.They only make out voices from six or seven months, but you know how Saverio can be.”
“Over the top?”he says with a chuckle.
My chest squeezes when I think about my overbearing and overprotective husband.
When the doors open, Dante pushes me inside.
“Well, fuck me,” he says.“I didn’t know that about babies, not thatIknow anything.”He laughs.“Hell, it feels good to express myself properly again.”
“As long as you don’t swear in front of Claire.”
“Cross my heart.”He selects our floor.“I’ll be an exemplary godfather.”
“You don’t have to be.”I add, “Her godfather, I mean.”
“Are you kidding me?I’m honored.”
“Saverio will like that.”
I stifle a sob, willing my heart not to break now.If I start crying, I won’t be able to stop, and Dante is right.I have to be strong.There’s much to be done.
“Even if he doesn’t, I’m not giving up my title.”Dante chuckles.“Never had a goddaughter before.I think I’m going to enjoy spoiling her.”
Thinking about Claire’s godmother, I turn serious.“I need my phone.”
“Livy will bring it.She should be back any minute.”
“Is it safe to go to the house?”