Page 4 of Gift from the Nexus
“Don’t you fucking talk to her—”
“No, stop, it’s okay. For once, the asshole’s right,” Oakly says, running her hands down San’s chest. “Give me a little space. All I’m picking up is you guys.”
They all scoot back a few feet but keep her within arm’s reach while we sit silently, watching as she closes her eyes and tilts her head back, sensing and searching. Tears continue to flow down her face, and she shakes her head out in frustration.
“I can’t. I can’t sense her at all.”
“I’ll transport to the mansion and get some of her things,” Gaster volunteers, strained. I dare a glance at him and immediately wish I didn’t. He looks like he’s aged a hundred years, like every bit of life Willow’s breathed into him since she got here has been sucked back out.
“Wait. Willow told me to tell you not to waste it, and you’d know what that would mean,” Ry says as he latches back onto Oakly.
“Waste it…Waste what?” she asks confusedly.
The silence stretches as we stare at her, waiting for her to figure it the fuck out. Well, except for Draken, who growls menacingly. That’s about as much of a word he’s gotten out.
“The vials, Oakly. Don’t waste the vials,” Jamie mumbles, looking around the room, stunned, like he just had an epiphany.
“The vials… Oh my Elementra the vials,” Oakly hollers, hopping up and hauling ass back into Gaster’s secret room.
“You drew our Primary’s blood and didn’t tell us?” Tillman growls, stepping closer to Jamie, making it obvious he read his thoughts.
“Calm down. She asked me to and told me if I did, we couldn’t even tell our Nexus. I knew she had to have a reason to need to keep this a secret from everyone.” Jamie justifies, but it doesn’t help.
“When?” I ask.
“Before Terravile.”
Fuck, she’s been carrying this around for so long, then almost died. Now she’s in their hands, there’s no telling—
“Don’t fucking think another word,” Tillman says sternly, cutting off the mental spiral I was starting to go down.
My emotions, my element, my gift, my bond, they’re all pushing against their restraints, begging to be set loose, destroy everything in our path. It’s hard enough keeping them locked down, but I build up the wall on my mind, shoving Tillman out so he doesn’t hear how close to the edge I truly am.
“I got them,” Oakly shouts, running back into the office.
I immediately hold my hand out for her to pass them over, and she hesitates only for a second. No doubt, the scowl on my face warns her not to push me.
Handing me three, she uncaps the fourth and pours it into her palm, quietly murmuring “come on” over and over like the mantra will speed things up.
“No, no, no. Willow, where are you?” She cries as the blood dissolves rapidly.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“She’s just…nowhere. She’s blocked from me. I can’t find her. I need another one.”
“No. She said not to waste it. She knew what she was doing. We trust that. Corentin, bring the blood. Everyone, back to the training field. We need to secure the academy, round up the E.F. members, call in reinforcements, and get ready to start hitting possible locations,” Tillman declares, turning to leave.
He doesn’t make it out the door before slamming to a complete stop and simultaneously Draken falls to his knees. The sound that leaves him causes every hair follicle on my body to stand on end. It’s an agonizing, painful roar that starts and stops just as fast.
“NO. No, little wanderer, let me back in. Let me feel you,” he bellows, banging his fist against his chest. His claws shredthrough the fabric of his shirt and skin with ease. My dad instantly springs into action, latching onto his arm before he accidentally cuts his own heart out.
“Tillman, what’s happening?” I ask, coming to stand beside where he’s rubbing circles on his chest.
“I felt her pain for a second. Now I’m blocked out again. She’s hurt,” he mutters stoically, staring ahead in deep concentration.
The sound in the room seems to intensify with his words, making the noise ring deafeningly in my ears. Oakly’s cries, her Nexus’s soft, reassuring whispers. Gaster’s pacing footsteps. My dad’s purrs.
Caspian’s shadows crawling across the walls as his darkness bleeds out everywhere. And Draken…he’s begging her to let him in, let him feel everything she’s feeling. Every one of his growls rumbles in my own chest.