Page 25 of Grace on the Rocks
Kyle nodded his head, taking in her words, keeping silent throughout it all. "And that guy who kept staring?" he asked. "Did you know him?"
Emma rolled her eyes at the mention of Vince. "Yeah," she told him. "He's my friend but..." She let her voice trail off, not quite sure how to finish.
"He's into you and you're not into him," Kyle guess, quirking a brow.
Emma nodded once. "Exactly," she said. Now that she had answered his questions, she felt it was only fair for her to turn the tables and ask him a few of her own. "Why are you suddenly interested in who I go to the games with and who's staring at me?"
Kyle shrugged nonchalantly. "No reason," he said.
Emma smirked. "No games, remember?" she asked.
Kyle's lips turned up and he locked eyes with her. "Fair enough," he told her. "I don't want to be just friends with you."
Emma's heart catapulted to her throat and she hissed in a tight breath. She couldn't believe it. He said the words she wanted to say to him. She didn't think he would, truth be told. Kyle seemed to enjoy the fact that he didn't have to commit to anyone, that he didn't have to call anyone when he got home after traveling or coming home to someone. He was only twenty-five and had his entire life ahead of him. He was a top line player, had tons of money, and no reason to put his bachelor life on hold because he wanted to explore what being in a relationship was like.
"You aren't saying anything," Kyle said slowly, cocking his head to the side and furrowing his brow.
"Oh, oh my god," Emma said, shaking her head. "I want that, too. I want that, too."
He chuckled, reaching out and curling a stray strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "If you're sure," he teased. His blue eyes suddenly became serious and he let his fingers linger against her throat. She wondered if he could feel her throat vibrate against him due to how hard her pulse was beating. "I knew there was something different about you when I first met you. But I didn't know what that meant, exactly. I just liked being around you. There's no pressure to act a certain way or to put on a show. I can be myself around you. Most people see a hockey player, money, something that's part of who I am but isn't me. But you see me for exactly who I am, and you're not afraid to call me out on my bullshit."
Emma giggled. Her face was warm due to how happy she was, which meant she was probably red. She was acting like a stupid school girl who brushed shoulders with her crush. This was why she was still single: she was awkward, focused, and could never find the right words.
"When I saw you tonight with your cousin," he said, "I couldn't concentrate. I've never reacted that way to a girl trying to make me jealous. Not saying you were," he added quickly, locking eyes with her, "but I didn't know. I was missing every shot, couldn't get the rebound. Even my checks were off."
"I didn't mean" - Emma began but she cut him off.
"I know." His thumb extended to reach the point of her chin. "But I still couldn't get my shit together. All I could think about was you being with someone else, someone who wasn't me, and I couldn't think straight."
Emma felt her lips twitch up as she continued to stare at him.
I feel the same way as you," Emma said. "I can't take my eyes off of you when you play. I didn't want to get into a relationship with anyone, let alone a hockey player but... I can't help wanting to be with you."
She leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth. She was babbling, couldn't find the right words again, but at this point, it didn't matter. She wanted him, she wanted to be with him, and that was what mattered. She was scared and she knew it would be hard work, but Kyle was worth the risk.