Page 123 of Frisco
“Where is Harper? Brandon’s all grrr right now. I don’t know how to explain everyone’s relation here but some chick just showed up and said that they got reports that ‘some others’ were taken. Those were her words. Did they take Harper?” Her voice went up a notch.
I stood, and started walking. My mind was a mess, literally. My stomach was a mess. Everything was a mess. “Aly.”
“Oh God. It’s really bad if that’s how you’re speaking to me. What is it? Is it Harper? Did they take him too? We didn’t find him and we were going to look for him. What is going on, Kali?! Tell me.”
“Kali! Just tell me.”
I stopped, my head falling back. My stomach was emptying out to my feet. All my insides were being dumped. “I don’t know who took him, but someone did. I think… I think it was a cartel.”
There was absolute silence on her end.
I couldn’t bear it, waiting for her.
I knelt down, wherever I was. I had no clue. I didn’t care. I squatted as low to the ground as I could go. “I’m so sorry, Aly. This is all my fault. We came out here because of me. I went with Shane, and now, these guys–I think they tried to grab us to hurt Shane’s motorcycle club. I’m so sorry.”
“You’re saying,” her voice ground out. “You’re saying a cartel took Harper?”
I pressed my eyes closed so tight. I was holding my phone against my face, so hard that I’m surprised I didn’t crack it. “Justin too.”
“Justin too?!”
“I think they got my sister too. And some other lady.”
“OH MY FUCKING GOD, ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOURSELF?! FOUR PEOPLE, KALI! Four people! Your boyfriend is the cause of all of this. And you’re right, if we’d not gone out here, then NONE OF THIS WOULD’VE HAPPENED!”
“Babe?” I heard from her end.
She sucked in a dramatic breath, but I could hear her crying.
That was me. That was my fault.
All of this was my fault.
“I’m so sorry, Aly. I’m so sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say, or do. “I’m so sorry. We’ll get him back. I promise.”
Her tone was chilling. “You cannot promise that. Do not even dare touch that.”
Another shiver went through me at her voice.
She hated me. I could hear it. There was pain, but there was loathing.
I’d lost my friend. And I just hoped that I hadn’t physically lost Justin and Harper too. Or Claudia. Goddamn Claudia. I’d not been letting myself think of her either. Claudia chose this life. She knew more than me so her being taken wasn’t on me, but it didn’t matter.
My heart hurt for her too.
Shane needed to find them. He did. He needed to bring them back. All of them.
Please, God. Please. Just, please.
“I’m going to share with Brandon and his family what’s going on, and then I’m going to pray that Harper and Justin are found. Because if they aren’t, Kali, then I’m coming for you because this is all your fault. Damn you.”
Every word she said was a punch to me. I felt them, blow after blow, and by the time she hung up on me, I was right there with her because damn me. This was all my fault.
“Your friend’s a bit unhinged.”
I whirled around, seeing Shelly standing behind me, a lit cigarette in her hand. She’d stood facing the street, her arm crossed over her chest, under her other arm that was holding her cigarette. She looked all casual, but she had followed me.